You have got to move faster!

You have got to move faster!

After 20 years in the industry, creating video, ads and content for companies of every level. I've observed something that is imperative to success and to create income.

I mean it. This is so important.

Have you ever noticed how slow some people move? How slow they are to make a decision? How much they overthink a project or just mull it over(sometimes for weeks or months)? In the time that you don't make a decision or move something forward, you could have created about a dozen or so other projects, videos, content, ads, blogs, etc.

Slowness kills - not just your income potential but it slows down sales and marketing. It stops you reaching new clients and prevents you from continually creating new visuals or assets that you could promote.

Making quick, fast decisions is the key to success. The most successful companies and people on the planet make decisions quickly, move quickly, handle things quickly and therefore make time their bitch. Yes, I said it. You want to control time. Move faster.

The faster you move. The slower times moves and you'll see you get things done 10 times faster than if you mulled it over or waited for feedback, or, or, or.....

Products are gotten by making quick decisions. Even if it's a bad decision, it doesn't matter because you have moved on to 5 other projects and a good percentage of those products are going to be great and be effective with the right team to help you create them.

What is it that freezes people?

  1. Money. They get caught up in the cost of things and rather than making money, spending money and then making more money from creating things that make money they get worried about money. Observe this, it's a fact. You have to spend to make it. This is observable. It is something that can be measured. If you aren't consistently creating content, or video for product, or video to train staff, etc. You'll make less money and falter.
  2. Fear of making the wrong decision. There are no wrong decisions if what you are working on helps to drive sales, create interest and retain clients. Anything that you create that helps explain your value, your brand and your company will be useful. Not just for sales, but for social content, for trade shows, to show existing clients, etc. YOU NEED CONTENT For everything nowadays. It's never not used. If you don't have it, you have nothing to help close sales or create interest.
  3. Bureaucracy - juniors have a tendency to wait on seniors. BUT MOST SENIORS are OVERLOADED. They don't have the bandwidth to make marketing, sales and creative decisions. If you have budget, spend it. Use it. Create something with it and then DO it AGAIN. Those assets will create more money for the company and it stops you annoying your seniors. They already have enough to do, don't make them hold your hand.
  4. Thinking. Thinking is a killer of momentum and money. The more you think, the less you act, the less money you make, the more your company shrinks. STOP thinking. START DOING.

At our company we see this phenomena all the time. The amount of time it takes one person at one company to make up their mind often means they have wasted months of time that they could have been creating other video, content or ads. They waste time and in this wasted time they prevent expansion and sales from happening. It's a fact.

So if you are training your staff. Tell them to make decisions rapidly, be smart about their budgets but get going getting it done! The more products you create, the more successful your company will be and the more time you'll have.

It's magic really. If your employees move slow. Make them move faster. If they can't let them go and find people who operate in ACTION. SPEED. Fast MOTION. Fast DECISION MAKING.

Okay? I hope it helps.

  • Ryann Liebl

#ryannliebl #lighttouchmediagroup #businessadvice #marketing #content #ads #socialmedia #branding #whatworks


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