You have the freedom to make mistakes...

Let's pass that freedom on to our children.

Wahooooo... it's my favourite day again!!!

Illustration Workshop Day. I think they should make Tuesdays a national holiday... who is writing to their MP to get that campaign underway?

Anyway... 2pm, BWT. Be there. Have fun. And there's a giveaway of last week's drawing this week, and every week from now on. You can catch it later, and in perpetuity too. I'll get round to indexing the workshops at some point.

Importantly, my workshops are full of mistakes, wonky lines, rough colouring... because it's me. I make mistakes, and so do you. And that's OK. I think that removing the fear of making mistakes is vital, especially in little ones. I have seen it halt progress... the fear paralyses progress and development.

Now there are situations where fear is healthy, such as the fear of getting hit by a car when crossing the road, or the fear of getting bitten by a venomous snake. I'm sure you're with me on that!

When it comes to illustrations, or making decisions about whether to do something that isn't life-threatening I would love it if there we instilled confidence in children that most mistakes are rectifiable. That most consequences of making the 'wrong' decision are OK! This is obviously a HUGE generalisation, but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying, right?

Let's give our little ones the freedom to make their mistakes and to learn from them themselves. Let them try things and get them wrong rather than telling them not to bother trying!

Anyway... that's enough pondering for today.

I met the office neighbours yesterday... they're a publisher too!! I was also introduced to Henry... so now the office is free of those little fluffy willow seeds that are impossible to sweep up! Thanks Henry, you're an awesome little sucker. :-)

My The Splinter Cell (I hope thats the right tag) skateboard hangers arrived yesterday so I can take them to the office and hang some of my boards. One day. ????

I also started changing my address for the business from my home address to the office address. That was a weird feeling. A bit like I was some sort of imposter, having a different address to run my hobby from, rather than it being an actual business premises. I really can't quite believe how things have changed since I made the decision to go all in on this. Boy am I glad I have. I'm on cloud 9 with it.

I must stop now, there is coffee to be drunk!

Scroll past the negative, focus on the positive, and have an awesome day.

Big Love. X


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