You have to be in enough pain before you'll take the leap...

You have to be in enough pain before you'll take the leap...

I wanted to share something with you.

Something that may help you make a decision about joining Mastery - or not.

Personal experience and that of my clients and colleagues over the almost 20 years I've been in business validates this truth:

You have to be in enough pain before you'll take the leap.

This applies to business and life.

Think about how long it takes you to go to a doctor... ;-) Now, you may be one of those people who just makes an appointment asap and goes, but most of us put it off far longer than we should, right?

It's the same in business. We put off getting the support we need, the headshots taken, the re-brand done, the message and market shifting, the networking and follow-up on our calendars, etc. All the things we know we need to do to move forward towards making more money in our business.

If you do this, you're not alone - I do it too.

Until the pain and the pressure of NOT doing it forces us too.

(and then we have to have that 'duh, I should have done this a long time ago' moment... ;-))

I was at that place the last several months. I've been cruising along, doing my thing, and letting it flow.

But as I looked towards the future, I realized that we have 4 short years left with Chloe before she graduates high school. And the list of things we want to experience together as a family of 4 before then is long.

That, in addition to a whole bunch of other things, pushed that needle in enough to make me realize I was ready to work with a mentor to help me get where I wanted to go much faster than I could on my own.

I was at the place of 'just tell me what to do and I'll do it' from someone who speaks my language, has a business model that resonates with me, and is just that little bit further down the path of success than I am.

I found a group program led by that mentor, and in the two months we've worked together, I cannot tell you how much more I've accomplished and moved the needle in my business (specifically to the tune of more money and far less time trying to figure stuff out).

Part of the reason is the weekly accountability that's included, another is being able to ask all my questions in the FB group 24/7 and get detailed responses, and another is because of the group coaching and masterminding that gives me these nuggets of gold that I hadn't thought of before sitting here alone in my office talking to myself! :-)

But it was the pain of staying where I was and knowing I wouldn't be able to generate the amount of money over and above what I already was to be able to be, do and have all the things we want in the near and distance future, that tipped me into a YES.

If that's where you are, then I invite you to seriously consider joining us in Mastery.

I know from the people who's joined already that they've reached their pain point and they know they HAVE to do something different and/or they need personalized support and specific action steps as they shift their business in a whole new direction.

Frankly, there is no more time to waste.

Mastery is about accountability, implementation and helping you make progress in your business every single day so you make more money with less stress so you can have a greater impact on yourself, your family, your community and ultimately, the world.

Click below to find out all the details and reserve your place with us:

What do you think? Is it time for you to join us?

Samantha. Novak

Account Management, Digital Marketing, and Communications Specialist

5 年

Great points made, and key that mastery doesn't happen in a vacuum - it takes going out and finding mentors, people who are further along than you, and doing what you can to learn from them.



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