You Have A Choice
Bridget Knight
Team Lead | Mentorship & Support | Skilled Communicator | Relationship Building | Presenter | Facilitator & Coach
There are those who wait for things to happen and there are those who make things happen, and the difference between the two is fear. To go for what you want you need to be fearless. If you are afraid of failure you will never be successful. Success is the result of not being afraid and going for what you want, even when you have no upfront assurance of the outcome. You are your own driver and it has nothing to do with your circumstances or luck. You are the only one who can determine your fate.
John Paul Mitchell is a perfect example of this. He was homeless and part of a gang, and yet created an empire with only $700 and an uncompromising work ethic. He was willing to do what ever it took to achieve the success he wanted. Never settle and be satisfied with what you have achieved. Always work harder to become better. No matter how good your ideas are or how much work you are willing to put into making them a reality , there are always going to be those people who tell you, “ It can’t be done” and “You will never succeed.” You are the only one who can prove them wrong - or right. You are the only one holding you back.
When you are faced with challenges along the way, and there will be many, are you willing to face them or are you going to give up? The challenges are there for one reason and that is to test how badly you want something. There are no overnight success stories. It is a matter of facing each challenge, one at a time. People make excuses about the economy and yet in the 1980’s unemployment and inflation was worse then it is today. You can always blame someone else but the reality is it’s up to you.