If you have big goals, you must think like a builder!
Big goals are GREAT! Big goals cause us to expand our vision and create space in our life (to make room for the goal).
When I worked as a builder (many years ago now), I learned that the scale of the building we can erect will always be limited to the extent of the burden that our foundations can bare.
When we develop a meaningful vision for our future, we face the reality that there will likely be some “structural changes” that must happen in our business or life (depending on the nature of the goal) for the goal to come to fruition eventually.
If the current infrastructure (the processes and systems) in either our business or our life are not equipped to support the big goals we have - then even our greatest efforts might end up in vain!
If we aspire to achieve great things, we must first ensure that our foundations are strong enough and that we have the right infrastructures in place to sustain our efforts and endeavours.
Once we understand this, we can then start making changes that will have significant positive long term benefits - and in turn, we “strengthen the foundation” of both our business and/or our life.
Strengthening our foundations and general infrastructure always creates a ripple effect that spills into all areas of our life in a positive way.
If you have big goals, you must think like a builder!
Q) How do YOU ensure that your systems, processes, foundations and general infrastructure are strong enough to sustain your long-term goals and objectives.