You have to BE it before you get to DO it.
Steve Page
?? Dubai Based coach working with corporate and private clients to create powerful change
?? You have to BE it, before you can have it. ??
Most entrepreneurs have this backward.? Our usual pattern is: Once I have it, then I get to be it.? Once I get that next big contract in my side hustle, then I’ll get to quit my job!? Once I’m making $10,000 a month then I’ll act like a CEO.
What!? I want to normalize this – most people go down this path – I see it with every client I work with.
But, you know what.? That’s just not how this works. ??
As long as you’re pushing that next-level idea out from today to some unmarked date in the future then your mindset is going to stay exactly right where it is (same is true for your business results).? You’ve got to do the work and get your head into BEING it first and start from that place to get the results you want.
How come?? Well, you’re oh-so-clever mind loves to find patterns and rinse and repeat them.? When you’re applying the same old pattern to each new opportunity, you get the same result.??
?? Sub-consciously you self-sabotage.? Maybe you underplay your daily rate, or push away that big opportunity because your pattern says – I don’t do that….YET.? That’s why sometimes it feels like you’re stuck doing the same, same.
?? What’s the get out?? You’ve got to break out of your pattern and start BEING that next-level version of yourself in advance of getting the results.? The BEING comes first.? Start BEING it and watch the results flood in.