You Have Been Rejected
Karl Dakin
Capital Coach | Stakeholder Investor Campaigns | Design, Stage, and Manage or Support | Reduce Time, Money, and Risk of Raising Funding | Increase Probability of Success! | Opportunity Management
You have just been informed that your funding application has been turned down.
?There are all kinds of ways to react to this outcome. Anger, relief, depression, stoic, oblivious.
?Let’s break this down so that this becomes an immediate learning experience and we can avoid repeating any mistakes and wasting resources in seeking funding. I am an entrepreneur who believes the glass is neither half full nor half empty, I just have the wrong size glass. So, what needs to be changed so that your business represents an investment opportunity that matches with enough investors to attain your capital goals?
?First, if you pitched your offer to an investor candidate who would never invest in your business under any circumstances, then you were not rejected. You, simply, made the mistake of expending resources pitching to the wrong person. Possibly shame on you for not qualifying the investor candidate in advance of your pitch, but that does not mean that your business is unfundable.
?Second, if your offer was not bespoke to the investor candidate, it may still be possible to modify your offer (a tweak, a pivot, or a complete makeover) so that you are positioning your business and its success as something the investor candidate needs. Appoint yourself as the temporary and unofficial Chief Development Officer for the investor candidate and ask how your organization might advance the investor candidate’s mission and goals. If an opportunity presents itself, change your offer and make your pitch again. Keep in mind that the investor candidate may help you brainstorm this modification.
?Third, take a breath and assess your entire offering and who is most likely to invest in your business. This is the Motivated Money Method that I implement in my capital campaigns. I don’t need everyone to invest and I don’t have the resources to determine everyone that might invest, so I want to narrow my candidate list as much as possible.
?Example: I recently submitted a loan application for a project that was turned down. All for good reasons. Too young, not enough revenue, and more than a reasonable probability of being unable to pay back the loan. I pitched to a wrong investor candidate. This loan is now being repackaged for presentation to a startup business lending program that has different (lower) lending criteria.
?Exercise: Take your offer and your pitch and consider how to customize it to best fit the needs of each investor candidate to whom you have pitched. If that does not reveal possible changes, take a step back and ask yourself who is most likely to invest in your business.
?It’s Only Minutes Away! ?
?Please join me this morning on Don Cohen’s Hour of Empower and Entrepreneur Day at 9 am MST on LinkedIn Live. Go to Don’s LinkedIn page at
and click the talking heads to listen in.
?Upcoming Podcasts and Appearances
?I was a guest on Rebecca Korn’s podcast Rise Reign Rule last Monday. I will provide a link when the episode is published. I will be appearing on Rick Amato’s Politics and Profits Internet show on Friday with posting expected next week.
As this Instant Funding newsletter progresses through its second week, thanks to everyone who has offered comments and suggestions for improvements. This has already resulted in adding more content to the daily lesson and some things are in the works going forward. Please let me know how this newsletter can help you best.
If you benefited from this newsletter, please Subscribe and share it with others.
Karl Dakin, the Capital Coach
Dakin Capital LLC
Capital Coach | Stakeholder Investor Campaigns | Design, Stage, and Manage or Support | Reduce Time, Money, and Risk of Raising Funding | Increase Probability of Success! | Opportunity Management
1 年It’s Only Minutes Away!? ? Please join me this morning on Don Cohen’s Hour of Empower and Entrepreneur Day at 9 am MST on LinkedIn Live. Go to Don’s LinkedIn page at and click the talking heads to listen in. ? Upcoming Podcasts and Appearances ? I was a guest on Rebecca Korn’s podcast of Rise Reign Rule last Monday. I will provide a link when the episode is published. I will be appearing on Rick Amato’s Politics and Profits Internet show on Friday with posting expected next week. ? Feedback As this Instant Funding newsletter progresses through its second week, thanks to everyone who has offered comments and suggestions for improvements. This has already resulted in adding more content to the daily lesson and some things are in the works going forward. Please let me know how this newsletter can help you best. ? Subscribe If you benefited from this newsletter, please Subscribe and share it with others. ? Karl Dakin, the Capital Coach Dakin Capital LLC [email protected]