?? You have been preparing for this moment
Bree Dellerson
Helping LightWorkers, Healers and Conscious Change-Makers Transform Their Pain To Fully Embody Their Higher Purpose | Acupuncturist, Sound Healer, Clairvoyant | Harmonizing the Nature of Oneself | Dog Mom
Monday Message: Resilience is key.
Hello Dear Luminous One,
I'm not here to relay doom and gloom type messages, only to share how to navigate the upcoming energy.
Resilience is key.
You will need to be resilient in the days and weeks to come.
Be like bamboo.
There may be things that feel like they can break you, but with resilience you'll bend.
You have been preparing for this moment.
When you arrive you'll see the beauty in the divine unfolding, even if it can be difficult to swallow.
Remember, weebles wobble but they don't fall down.
Question everything, especially your own beliefs.
Learn to discern using your body's wisdom.
Walk your own path.
Be careful walking in the footsteps of others, they may lead you off a cliff.
To support yourself and prepare for upcoming events, take care of your body and mind now.
Become more aware of your food choices.
What you put into your body will help cultivate resilience at the cellular level.
What you digest on an energetic level is equally important.
Find a movement practice you enjoy.
You will need to be strong in a flexible, non-rigid way. You will need to pivot and stay open rather than fixed. Once you find yourself digging your feet in, you're likely to get stuck and possibly run over.
A resilient mind happens over time. A flexible body supports a flexible mind. It's a daily practice. Find what works for you.
I personally love GYROTONIC? and the way it releases the somatic patterns of the body, decompresses the spine, calms the nervous system, increases my core strength and flexibility using the body's natural movements.
My practice also consists of self-directed compassion, The Presence Process by Michael Brown, breathwork, journaling, long walks with the kids, eating a mucusless diet, LifeWave patches and receiving bodywork.
Of course, let's not forget the power of Sonic Alchemy to:
My sessions have been taking on a new level of intensity lately, and people are in the trenches.
Through it all they are showing up for themselves, doing their inner alchemy, and in turn having a positive impact on the world around them.
It is a beautiful sight to behold and I am honored to witness their inspiring bravery and courage.
You don't have to go it alone. I am here for you.
My intention in all aspects of my work is to support your fullest expression of life, empower you to live your joy-filled purpose, and connect you with your Highest Heart.
LAST DAY TO SAVE $25 LIONSGATE888 Valid through August 19th.
"Wow! That was awesome! This activation you just did was like 'Wow! This is just what I'm calling in, or what the Universe is telling me to call in.' So thank you for this gift. I receive it with an open heart and every cell of my being and then some... Every cell of my being was like 'woo hoo!'"
I pulled a card for you...
This one flew out of the deck!
Negativity now vanishes completely from my life. Nothing can threaten me anymore, as I am protected by the light of my Higher Self. I am safe and everything turns out right.
Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique blessings. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.
Blessings, Bree
? Last day to download Lion's Gate for only $8! (use LIONSGATE888)
? Schedule here to tap into your strength and resilience. Discount packages & payment plans available.
? Watch The Power of One
I will be offering a new cohort beginning sometime in the Fall over 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration. Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.
? If you are interested and want to learn more, DM me to get on the waitlist.
Reply to this email and let me know what you received from this week's message. ??
Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.
It's my mission to Harmonize the Nature of Oneself. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. ????