You have been asking about my business........
Good Morning,
Lately quite a few people have asked me to tell them more about my business, and my answer has been more on a personal level than a corporate one.
I created RTO 31252 Ballinger Training just over 10 years ago, after spending 15 years working as a primary school teacher.
I returned to university in 2004, while pregnant with my youngest daughter, and gained a Bachelor of Education in Adult Education to add to my primary teaching qualifications.
The business has been though many changes over the years, a reflection of the ever changing VET Sector in Australia.
I am currently re-establishing Ballinger Training as provider of Distance / Online / RPL based programs. I work on my own most of the time, but enlist the help of other trainers and assessors and industry experts for review and validation processes.
This month, I am encouraging you to get in early to plan your study and professional development for 2016.
Have a great week,
I have a number of programs on offer, all available at 2015 prices……..commence at your own pace.
TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Distance program
Commence any time
Study at your own pace
$1000 – no hidden costs.
TAELLN411 Address adult language literacy and numeracy skills
Online Program
Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
Online program
$999 per person
RPL Pathway….