I think one of the biggest losses for people in the corporate world is their loss of identity. We’ve exchanged our job roles for our personalities – each job taking us farther from who we are and creating dissociated copies of who the corporate world requires us to be.

The problem with creating a social media platform that gives audience to a sample population facing a pandemic of “wannabeism” is that the glorification of pretence, impostor syndrome, catfishing and an unhealthy hunger for validation becomes a norm.

Or, as I’d like to term it, “a hot pile of corporate bullshit.” So, I’ve decided to speak against this pandemic. Hence, the title, “YOU HAVE ALL BECOME LIARS.”??



I’m easily one of the best writers I know, and I’m not boasting – I’m just self-aware.

It’s taken a while to finally accept it. Hundreds of praises later, and I finally acknowledge that I am who men say I am. Somehow, the corporate world almost made me believe otherwise.


Well… Cos in the corporate world, it is not enough to be something. No, you have to be that thing exactly how the corporate world wants it to appear.

For people like me who have no interest in convincing people that I am what I am, I realised upon joining this space that it was rigged against me. A realisation that threw me into the dilemma of either being myself or proving that I am myself.

A problem I’ve sworn never to have again!

I hate the fakeness that comes with being on this platform!

I hate that no one wants to be anything other than what they want to be seen as on this platform, and it kills me.

It’s all a front.

It’s our chance at perfection, or at best, the illusion of perfection.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against perfection – my problem is with delusion. The delusion that if you put enough energy into inventing a personality that suits your aspirations, you become that person – but you never do, though.

You only end up creating another person while the real you rots from self-abandonment.

So, if maybe you never knew it, I’ll tell you now,

You are not perfect!

No one is.

We are all flawed people in pursuit of perfection, and the closest to perfection we’ll ever get is the realisation that we’re all perfectly flawed. Therefore, perfection for us will always be the journey, never the destination.

You all want to be lied to so badly

What’s worse is that y’all want to believe those lies so badly. So, everyone here invents perfect situations, scores or personalities to feed your delusion.

No, you don’t want a person who’s good at what he does

It’s become a game of who lies best.

And so, even those with the most honed skills get burdened with having to package it as a lie.

May the best lie win.


So, we sacrifice true qualification for charisma on the altar of acceptance.

And somewhere…somewhere, there lies a ‘me’ – a past version of me,?who struggles so much with concocting the most alluring version of themselves, cos they know that regardless of how much talent or skill they may possess, it will never be enough to eyes that so desperately want to see illusions.

I guess there’s no hope for the uncharismatic, then.

Truly, delusion has become the only solution.

What you want does not matter.

All that matters is the presentation.

What or who you are doesn’t matter.

According to recent research and best hiring practices, all that glitters is freaking gold!

So, shimmer, shine, and keep all that is inside on the inside.


I’ll never be that person.

I can’t be that person.


I’ve learnt that my output is an extension of myself, and I can only produce as long as I stay true to myself.


I won’t come here to tell you about the joys of content writing or how to convert your audience into ice cream. No, I won’t.

I’ll say what I want to say regarding corporate affairs, and if it so happens to be about converting your audience to smoothies, then so be it. ?

I won't be who you expect me to be, here or anywhere else.

I’m not going give cliché answers to questions that only I have answers to – answers that, therefore, can only be subjective.

Fortunately, I haven’t had to rely on building a career that way, and it has been the most fulfilling experience. ??

If you do need my expertise, you’ll have it, but I’ll never present myself as more than what I am.

If you must gauge me, then by all means, test my work, but no lies or impressive speeches will be escaping my lips or fingers.

As for you, I hope you learn to be yourself or at least learn to look for real people.



