You will Hate this
Lyndon Antcliff
Expert Content Marketing Freelancer | SEO Specialist | Content Strategy Consultant
Let's not mess about here
People waste so much time on these platforms it's annoying
My time is gold, as is yours
I hate Linkedin
Well maybe not hate
Hate is a strong word and gets used way to0 much
Ambivilvent is prolly the right word
But "ambivalent", does not scan
It does not grab you in those deep places
It's too nuanced, too intellectual, too scratchy
When I read a word like that online, my brain takes a nanosecond longer to process and that's enough for the magic of the copy to stop doing its thing
"Hate" on the other hand, is a killer word
And yes, I know, it's not pleasant, it's not nice and people don't like to hear it
The algo certainly doesn't like it
But here's the thing
In copywriting it works
I'm talking to you writers out there
You know that a reader may rationally go on about how a word is "blah, blah blah". But deep down in their bones, the word is doing its thing
People will never admit what gets their attention, what engages them and what gets them to react
But the data shows that's words like "hate" work
Prolly cos of the primal brain
The primal brain is the bit that walked with the dinosaurs ( I know I know, just going for a cheap, pedant trigger)
Neuroscience tells us the primal brain is very powerful and responds to basic, fundamental stuff. You won't find it at cocktail parties discussing the finer points of "ambivalence", it's more likely in the alley having a fist fight over a crack deal that went bad (oh the algo is going to love this article)
The point is
To get noticed, to get engagement, to cause a reaction you sometimes have to write for the primal brain, people whiz through social media. Sure they sometimes stop and read like you're doing now, but what caught their attention was often something that called to the primal brain
I'm not saying don't do nuance, it does have its time and place. You just have to know when to use it and when to bring out those killer words that go hunting for primal brains
Right now I have the time to take on new clients
Clients for cold emails, blogging, and even social
I've time to actually write suff fo you, which is rare
But my consultation is really where the gold is. As I will give you expert, experienced quality insight you will rarely get elsewhere
Hit me up now, before I change my mind.