You are HaPpInEsS Personified!!

You are HaPpInEsS Personified!!

Where is Happiness?

When are we happy?

Who is going to make us happy?

How long are we going to be happy?

Are these questions valid and does it make real sense???

We always give credit to the people around, the circumstances, the happenings with our live - as a credit for our own happiness!! But is this justified?

Let's take an instance with the current Bangalore weather --

Bangalore weather is so unpredictable these days. Morning it rains, then it's sunny and evening it's chill.

Should I complain that it's raining and gloomy outside? Or should I be happy that the water is actually refilling the underground systems and maintaining balance?

I always see people cribbing that it's raining, or it's cold outside - for various reasons. But the same person also cribs if it's too sunny. When you give a thought, it isn't the weather or the surroundings, but it's your own mindset.

We give credit to various factors around or people around for our happiness and end up cribbing about our fate/ destiny. But actually speaking, it's all in our hands. It's how well we accept what's happening around us.

I choose to be happy because I've acknowledged the positive that's around me!!

Filling yourself with negative thoughts and spreading the same to the people around you, is going to make you more vulnerable and depressing than causing harm to the other person.

When you're happiness personified, why are you searching for it elsewhere? :)

Happiness is us - it's the emotion we have - it's what we possess and showcase, and not what the world does to us.. Time to rethink and rewire your emotions :)

Do share your thoughts on the same.


