You Had Me At Self Awareness

You Had Me At Self Awareness

Do you often wonder why it is that you do the things that you do? Why you think the way that you do? Does it confuse you and leave you feeling powerless to be able to do something about it?

Well, stick with me in this episode, I want to help you to understand exactly what it is that you need to do so that you know why you behave the way that you do.

There are three competencies that we work with when we're developing our Self-Awareness.

The first is Emotional Self-Awareness, the ability to know what's going on internally, what those signs actually mean, those cues that come in the physical, being able to label them.

The second competency?that we deal with in Self-Awareness is?Accurate Self-Assessment. The key word there is 'accurate'. Perception is reality.

The third competency?that we work with in Self-Awareness is?Personal Power.

So, there you have Self-Awareness, the ability to know what's going on within you and have an understanding around self within that, to be able to know exactly which emotions you're going through in any given moment, to accurately assess your strengths and your limitations, and to have that inner power and certainty of who you are and who you're not and be okay with the current version of you, knowing that you have everything within you and around you to move forward, to grow in the areas that you need to grow. Social and Emotional Intelligence starts with the personal competencies, and that starts with Self-Awareness. I want to challenge you to work with me over the coming weeks and to become more aware of exactly where you are right now, in terms of your Emotional Intelligence.


Grant Herbert describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is an international influencer, sustainable performance coach,?the founder of People Builders and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence Asia Pacific. Visit? ?to find out how you can connect.


