You have been found guilty of carrying the baggage of guilt and hurts of the past with you. You are Sentenced to free yourself from this baggage of negativity and this article might assist you to achieve freedom from this self created prison quickly.
A lot of us are trapped in the past. Most of us feel guilty about something or the other in our lives. We need to understand that in most of the cases Guilt is something given to us by society because we did not follow some usual societal norms or did something that society considers wrong or sinful. Remember that it is we who agreed to the norms and restrictions as imposed on us and it is completely in our power to agree or disagree with those depending on logic and rationality. We will use logic and intelligence to get rid of this negativity.
Before reading ahead, just give a thought about the guilt you carry - Guilt because of Relationships, duties, religion, nationality, Law, morality etc. This exercise will free you and is of immense importance. Make a list of all actions and corresponding consequences due to which you feel guilty.
First of all, if the action led to your happiness or others happiness in any way and did not hurt anyone, even an iota of Guilt should not arise in first place. This judgment of right and wrong by society is basically stupid - it is illogical to judge anything that ends up with happiness for parties involved as negative. We are logical and intelligent people. We do not need to abide by something just because it was taught to us that way. Simply discard this guilt!
In the list you have created, just cancel out the actions that are not even worth considering (ones that ended in Happiness as consequence).
Secondly, if the action did result in hurting you or someone else, the real question is have you learnt from your action and corresponding consequence. If a similar situation arises, will you be able to make the right choice, and the right choice does not mean that conforms with society - it means that leads to Happiness for you and other people involved. If yes, then the purpose of that event in your life is served. IT IS OVER!If you never committed these so called mistakes, would you be as mature as you are today? And that is what Life is all about - Learning and Growth. There is absolutely no place for Guilt.
Now, simply mention the learning for every action and corresponding consequence in same list. These lessons are all that matter!! Now,you realize what the learning from the event was. Now, you know what purpose the event served in your life. It was important for you to grow! Where is the room for guilt? Just be thankful for this growth and that the event helped you grow.
A lovely message that found tremendous connect with people - "The only Thumb Rule of life is - Learning and Growth. Guilt is a trap of mind to enhance negativity in you. Remember that anything that you feel Guilty about, you did your best in that situation in that Point in Time!.....Free yourself - stop feeling Guilty. The only purpose of so called mistakes in Life is Learning and Growth. So keep learning and Growing! Free yourself of absolutely every guilt in Life and find the Blissful You - The True You."
Last but not the least, if you still hold yourself accountable for something, simply forgive yourself because you also forgive others. Let it go. Simply accept and begin afresh. Forgiving and Accepting oneself is the foundation of forgiving and accepting others. After all, Angulimala, a serial killer (who murdered 999 people - yes, that number is correct) actually gained Enlightenment after meeting Gautam Buddha - So stop judging yourself for past. Example of Angulimala should be enough to show that past does not matter. What matters is what you do in the present and how you apply learning in the Present. As soon as you stop judging yourself and accept Life as it is, you are free.
In This very Moment, YOU ARE FREE! :-)
Image courtesy of Sumetho at
Co Founder at Udaan Angel Partners
9 年wow...thanks Raman, freedom is ultimate, thanks for this new understanding :)
Director & Co-Founder at Young Edsplorer Pvt Ltd.
9 年Simply awesome..!
Business Head at Tulio
9 年Amazing article..enlightening and inspiring.. Thanks Ramandeep Singh :)
Data Analyst
9 年Good thought Raman !!
Associate Director
9 年Amazing.. Thought provoking!!