Talk by Tyrese Gibson transcribed by Val Catt, Founder of National Court Ordered Education Institute and American Integrity Rehabilitation Education


I love you. I repeat, I love you. If no one has ever told you this, if no one told you this today, this week, this month, this year, or this very second, I want you to know I love you, and I also want you to know that the fact that you’re alive and still on this Earth even though it’s been challenging and rough and sometimes you get discouraged and uninspired to keep going, God has a plan. You will grow through what you go through.

Everything that you’re going through at some point—it makes no sense to you right now—but at some point, God is going to reveal to you why all of these issues, challenges and problems continue to show up and what you are supposed to learn from it.

You will grow through what you go through. My question to you is this: ‘who has text you and called you and invited you somewhere today? Who is this person? Who are these members of the family?’ I want you all to understand that when I leave these videos I’m not trying to preach or talk or instill separatism. I have a responsibility to peace. What does that mean? It means that I wake up in the morning people are calling, texting, inviting me here, inviting me there…I have an opportunity. I have a choice—very important word—I have a choice to decide who and what and where I want to go. What do I want to experience in my day? Because you’re inviting me doesn’t mean I want to show up. Because you’re calling me doesn’t mean I’m going to call you back. Because you want me to be there doesn’t mean that I want to be there. Because we’re family, because we’re friends, because we grew up together doesn’t mean that I want to be a part of any and everything that you want me to be a part of, why? Because my experience with you hasn’t necessarily made me feel good about my life or my experience at the end of every night.

Because you go to sleep at night doesn’t mean you’re resting; because you close your eyes at night and you are asleep physically doesn’t mean that you’re actually resting and the reason that you don’t rest is because while you’re awake everything and everybody that’s in and around your life is so full of issues, problems, insecurities, dysfunction, negativity. Your mind and your spirit is in turmoil. Issues, problems, arguments, yelling, screaming, dysfunction…ahhhhhhhhh…ahhhhhhhhh….all of this sh*t is going on all day, every day so when you go to sleep at night, you’re not resting.

A lot of people would say: ‘I love myself.’ Do you really love yourself? Are the things that you’re doing and the people that you’re hanging out with and the places and the circles that you’re traveling in—does that reflect a person that actually loves themself? If you love yourself, why would you f*ck with those types of people? You know what they’re saying about you behind your back; you know they’re jealous and envious of who you are and the things that you’ve got going on in your life and your career. You know that they don’t like you! And they’ve made it clear; they’ve sent you every sign imaginable that they could possibly send you and because you’re so desperate to have people around you and in your life, you continue to go back. You continue to show up to everything that they invite you to knowing what they’re saying about you.

I’m not preaching separatism. I don’t want a bunch of people to just be alone at home doing nothing with no friends, no family and nothing to do. I’m saying that at this point you are old enough and mature enough to understand the difference in good people and bad people and when you’re hanging out with negative, dark and dysfunctional people, you cannot expect yourself to go to sleep at night and rest. You cannot expect yourself to feel good about your day when you’re including negative and dysfunctional people in your day. So what you grew up with them! So what they’re childhood friends! So what they’re family! We have a responsibility to walk in the direction of peace. I want to laugh. I want to smile. I want to enjoy myself. I actually want to feel good about the people that are around me. You have that as a choice. You actually do! You don’t wake up in the morning and negativity, dysfunction, problems and issues just randomly pop up. These are the people that you have decided to include in your life. So the outcome of your day, your hour, your minute, your week, your month, and your year is always draining, always dysfunctional and always f*cking crazy because these are the type of people that you have decided to include in your day-to-day life.

I’m talking to somebody. You don’t love yourself. You can’t say that you love yourself when you continue to invite and include these people in your life. They’re threatened; they’re insecure; they have a problem with you and you don’t even have a problem with them. They try and make you feel bad about being so blessed. They laugh about it, but they’re throwing subliminal and very direct messages at you. ‘I see you over there getting money, ah ha!’ That person has a problem with the fact that you’re getting money. ‘Oh, like that? Ah? I see you; I see you, ah ha!’ They’re jealous. They’re envious. They’re insecure. They’re threatened by the idea that you’re coming up. Your career and your life is advancing. God put people in your life for a reason; others are there for a season. And it’s very important that you recognize when people’s seasons are over. God put people in your life for a reason; others are there for a season—is the season over? Or have you decided because your desperate, because you just need validation; you need all of this sh*t and people and things around you, you’ve decided to drag these random people into the new season of your life.

You have a boat, and your boat is at its capacity and in order for your boat to not sink and go under water—and that could be your career—that could be your life—that could be your personal life—your relationships—is that relationship over? Do you feel mentally, spiritually and emotionally stimulated in that relationship? Or are you just holding on to it because you got this concept of loyalty that you have overused and over abused? Well, I’ve learned that loyalty has an expiration date. Loyalty isn’t some open-ended thing that just goes on forever because technically, some people just don’t really make sense for your life and the new season—the mind and the space that you’re in. Think about this: this is a reminder that loyalty has an expiration date: have you ever been in a relationship with some folks three years ago and then you run into them and you’re like: ‘man, what the f*ck was I thinking dating her or dating him?’ And you almost want to beat yourself up for even the fact that you were in love or had all of these ridiculous feelings for this person. That shows you right there that loyalty has an expiration date. You could never see yourself not being with that person, but at a certain point, all of the signs and wonders revealed itself that that relationship is over. So, if you had drug that person, those people, those friends, those family members, those situations into the new season of your life, your life wouldn’t be going as well as its going right now.

I want you to stop playing the victim. You are not the victim. You decided that those are your friends. You decided that those are the people that you want to spend time with. You decided this is what you wanted to do with your day. When you get invited to places doesn’t mean you have to show up especially if you know what your experience is going to be like with these people. No one wants to be alone but why spend the rest of your life being miserable, frustrated and insecure and not really feeling as good as you have a responsibility to feel. Feeling good isn’t just an opportunity; feeling good is a responsibility that we all have for ourselves. I don’t need a million people around me. If I don’t like you, I don’t f*ck with you and guess what? I actually don’t care what you say about me. I don’t remember the last time I lost sleep over a hater and the things that people are running around saying in blogs, websites, conversations, tweets. I don’t lose sleep over haters, why? Because I know exactly how I feel about me and even if something appears to be very different that what it really is, I don’t even mind that you’re talking sh*t about the things that you’re assuming is really going on. I know what’s happening. I know who I am. I know what my intentions are; I know my heart and more importantly God knows my heart. So, for it to appear to be this…appear to be that…and then you’re running around saying whatever you’re saying about me…that’s fine; you go right on ahead and say it. You have a job to do. You’re bored. You have nothing going on in your life, so you’re focused on my life. That’s the way it is.

Listen you all, we have control of our minute, our hour, our day, our week, our month and our year. Stop running around being on the receiving end of whatever people want to dump on you. You showed up. You accepted that invite. You invited these people to your house. You’re in a relationship with that man. You’re in a relationship with that woman. That’s you! So how do you feel at the end of your night? It’s always going to be based on the people that you decided to include in your day, your week, your month, your year, your minute, your hour. You’ve got 24-hours in a day. When you go to sleep at night, how are you going to feel about your day? It all depends on who you decide to include in your day. Stop running around acting as if you don’t have a choice! You do have a choice! You’re a dysfunctional mother*cker so you love dysfunctional people. You love rumors. You love issues. You love problems. You love people calling you with their problems. You love it! That’s why at the end of every night you are drained because you have submerged yourself in dysfunctional things, people and situations. People come at me, ‘hey man I heard…’ Man don’t talk to me about no f*cking rumors. Don’t talk to me about other people’s problems and situations. I don’t invite that sh*t in my life, so it doesn’t show up.

Stop playing the victim. Stop running around acting as if you have nothing to do with the people, things and situations in your life. I love you. I’m tired of these grown-ass men and grown-ass women running around acting as if they don’t have a choice! You have a choice! I’m a grown man: ‘where are the most crazy, insane, thugs, gangsters, crypts, bloods, dysfunction? Where can I find and seek trouble? Where is it? Where is it? There it is!’ And you decide to walk in that direction. And what the f*ck do you expect the outcome to be? You’re hanging out with crazy people! Do you expect the outcome of your day to be regular and okay? ‘Where is a heartbreak? Where is someone that’s going to make me feel insecure and make me feel bad about myself? Where are they? Ah, there they are, so let me walk in that direction.’ I love myself enough to say that I want to walk in the direction of peace, love with spiritual folks that are always evolving and trying to better themselves seeking wisdom and knowledge and how to take better steps and better directions to do better and want better for their career, their life. They have talents. Those people that you’re around are not going to help further your career. You know that; it’s been revealed to you a long time ago, but because you don’t want to be alone, you’d much rather hang out with a bunch of people that aren’t going to do sh*t for you.

You have a choice. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the land of the blind you have people that have eyesight, but they choose to not use things that have clearly been revealed to them. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Most of the people out here are blind. They don’t see what’s right in front of them and so they choose to just disown it, push it to the back: ‘no no no I didn’t see that… No no no, I’m going to let it fall on deaf ears; I didn’t really hear that. I don’t like the way I feel. I’m going to ignore the way I feel about being in these situations around these friends and these people. I’m going to ignore that. I’m going to disown that.’ In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

If you make it to the end of this video, I want you to write that. I don’t have to leave these videos. I don’t have to do anything. I know what I know and I live the life that I live and I’m happy with it. I may not have all the money in the world but I’m comfortable. I have peace in my mind, and I move and operate in peaceful circles and I welcome people in my life with good energy, that are talented and beautiful, that have good intentions towards me and others. I refuse to invite dysfunction, problems, issues, insecurities, negative, bad people, and that’s why my life is as blessed as it is. Some of you all think that my life is blessed because I have a career; I get to travel, and I get to move around with celebrities and go to A-list parties and private yachts and private planes. Some of you all equate that to living a blessed life. That’s not living a blessed life. Those are just perks and antics that come along with my life. The day-to-day life that I live is that I include amazing and incredible people and that’s why my life is so blessed. All of the other stuff is additional perks that come along with it.  

I want better for you, the question is: do you want better for yourself? Don’t claim to love yourself and you’re waking up every day and deciding to include these people, things and situations in your life. That is not moving like a man or a woman who truly loves themself. When you love yourself, you want better for yourself; that’s what it is. If you make it to the end of this video, I want you to write IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND, THE ONE-EYED MAN IS KING. Happy 4th of July. Happy Independence Day. I love you. Wherever you are in the world, I want you to share this video; it’s over 17-minutes long but I had a message in my heart that I had to put out there. I love you. I’m your mentor. I’m your big brother. I’m your uncle. I’m your cousin. More importantly I’m your friend. I hope I made you proud on this message, God. I love you, peace. 


Valerie Joglar, Health Psychologist的更多文章

