I don’t know about everyone, however, I remember growing up when it was time for new clothes, usually around the time for back to school, my mom would search for things that would last and be a good value. Sometimes, that meant getting a shirt or jacket that might have been just a little bit too big. This happened with hand me downs as well (I didn’t get many hand me downs from my siblings even though I am the baby. I had sisters!). I did have older cousins that I would get clothes from and usually they were a little big on me, to which I would be told, “You will grow into it.”
This got me to thinking about our spiritual life. I have had many people come and speak to me about what they feel are their spiritual shortcomings. They look at other Christians and they see spiritual maturity, Bible knowledge, a life of service, and they desire that, yet they are not sure how to go about getting it. The process is rather simple, yet more difficult to put into practice because of the dedication it takes.
It would be so nice if once we were immersed and come up out of the waters of baptism, we were immune from temptation and spiritually mature, lacking nothing. It just doesn’t work that way. Our sins are washed away, sure, yet Satan does not give up. He comes after young Christians with both barrels blazing trying to get them to regret their decision. That is why a spiritual family is so important. The family needs to raise and nurture that spiritual babe.
Becoming a Christian is just the beginning of our spiritual journey. We are taught from God’s word that we are to deepen our faith and maturity. The Hebrew writer rebukes his audience for their lack of knowledge and maturity, 12?For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food (Hebrews 5:12). If we want deeper faith, then we must grow into it. We do that by spending time in God’s word, in prayer and praise, and surrounding ourselves with faithful mature Christians who will help us stay the course.
Spiritual growth is not automatic. It takes time and effort. We must have a great desire to be like Christ so that we do not lose heart. There are days that doing those things that help grow won’t be easy. Our schedule gets full, and we can’t seem to make time for daily reading or prayer. Then, once one day is missed, it gets easier to miss other days until it is no longer part of the daily routine. That is when you look back and wonder what happened.
Don’t despair when you see spiritually mature Christians, and don’t compare yourself to them. Just dedicate yourself to being like Christ. Then, when you see other Christians that are where you want to be spiritually, don’t worry, you will grow into it!
Read II Peter 1:5-10