Are you a great writer?

Are you a great writer?

Enjoy this article from "The PAC Method For Writers: How Prayer, Attitude And Confidence Can Lead You to a Successful Writing Journey. Available on Amazon.

Great things can happen with your writing adventures!

??????????? Your lifelong dream of becoming a successful writer can come true. Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

??????????? Disney never lost sight of his dream to create, and although he was faced with many obstacles and challenges, he never gave up.? He was once told he “lacked creativity,” but still went on to accomplish many great things.

??????????? As I travel around the country teaching at both Christian and secular writing conferences, I meet many wonderful people.? Some are filled with hope that “one day, maybe I will be published. Some others, who have found moderate success, are filled with hope that “one day, maybe I will sell more of what I write.”

??????????? When I meet new people at conferences, I ask them if they are a “great writer.” Most look puzzled and reply, “no, not yet.”? When I begin many of my writing workshops, I ask the audience “how many people here today are great writers?”? Very few, if any, hands are raised. When I tell everyone, they are all “great writers,” they look astonished and surprised.

If you have asked God to bless you with the gift of creative communication, and He has generously given you that gift, it is up to you to take that gift and use it to the best of your ability. Many people have prayed to become a writer or prayed for ways to find more writing success…and then they sit there, waiting for opportunities to knock on their door.

??????????? My friends, it does not work that way.

??????????? It takes Prayer, Attitude and Confidence, or what I like to call the “PAC Method for Writers.” This book will be an inspirational and motivational lesson that anyone can apply to their writing life. The stories you will read will not only inspire you to “dream those impossible dreams,” but they will also show how to make those dreams come true.

??????????? There are many motivational speakers who travel around the country earning BIG speaking fees, because they are good at what they do. They convey their message and inspire the audience. I know because I have listened to a few of them myself. However, what usually happens is the audience is “charged up” and “ready to make a difference in their own life.” But when they leave and return to the “real world,” sometimes their confidence level is shattered when they are faced with “real world challenges.”

??????????? Over the years I have read many stories about successful people. Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to be hired as a researcher for a book titled, The Executive Odyssey, by Fred Harmon. During my research for that book, I read dozens of stories about people from all walks of life who had dreams and never lost hope.

??????????? They had the right attitude and confidence level that helped them to succeed.

??????????? But I wonder if their struggles would have been made easier if they had only added “prayer” to the winning formula.

??????????? How about you?

??????????? Are you ready to overcome your obstacles and see your writing dreams come true?

??????????? Well, if you grab the winning formula:

??????????? Prayer + Attitude + Confidence = Writing Success, then the sky's the limit!

??????????? Remember that no dream is too small to matter, or too big to attain. Start adding Prayer to your writing plan and you will see a difference in your life.

??????????? In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.”

??????????? May God bless you and your writing adventures!


Amen. Thank you. I am in such a place where I feel stuck; the book has been written and published. But I seem to be lacking in finances to print out copies.



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