Divorce is a process of last resort: make sure you are up for the task.
A dissolution of marriage is a legal process similar to any other type of civil lawsuit. The person bringing the action is called the plaintiff and the person against whom it is brought is called the defendant. Neither designation affords one party any advantage or edge over the other except if the parties are separated and living in different judicial districts in which event, the plaintiff chooses the proper venue to bring the case.
Highly emotional; replete with the full gamut of feelings; anger, fear, anxiety, anticipation, loss of control over your future.
The preferred way to navigate this process is with an experienced family attorney and with the assistance of a trained and experienced mental health professional to assist in development of the skills necessary to deal with the new anxieties that lay ahead.
Remember, you and your spouse will determine how to define the word fair: the only word that causes contested divorces. This is the word which parties either refuse or are unwilling to define in a reasonable and responsible way which results in a fair division of income and assets and liabilities but more significantly, in a way that is in the best interests of children.
At Duffy and Fasano we have the experience in negotiating solutions to life's problems and have done so since 1975. Call our office for an appointment with one of our family lawyers and learn how best to navigate the pitfalls of your circumstances which lie ahead.