Are you a good writer?

Are you a good writer?

I am not "A Handmaid's Tale" fan. Some thrillers I just cannot handle.

I am however an author fan.

I like to watch documentaries about them. The most recent perusal has been Margaret Atwood.

“I never thought to be a popular writer; I just wanted to be a good writer,” she said.

While watching and learning about Atwood’s life, I often reflected on my own writing and if I can be deemed a good writer.

As many books as I have with my name on or in them, even as bestselling and international, there is still doubt.

I do not write every day. Some of the greats also do not.

Others, however, such as Stephen King write just 2,000 words per day… or J.K Rawlings who will write for 6 hours each day.

Many write in the evening when the day is done to avoid the normal distractions like kids, spouses, phone calls, or meetings.

When researching writing – yes, I still perform this act – one article cited that most professional writers can average about 1,000 per hour.

I’ve timed myself for 20 minutes of pure, unadulterated and uninterrupted writing and have written 424 words; therefore placing me on the professional level using the above statistic, if I do my math correctly – 3 (20-minute segments) x 424 (words) = 1,272 (wph).

But the number of words written in a determined amount of time can vary and be difficult to muster, creating what’s called, “writer’s block.”

Do not force yourself to write.

When you can 1) have that designated time devoted solely for writing, and 2) simply allow the words to transfer from your brain to your pen or fingers, the daunting task of writing becomes one of joy and elation of your accomplishment.

Are you able to do 20 minutes of anything to complete a task or to get a good jump on it?

Tell me in the comments below… what would 20 minutes of total, 100% writing mean to you, having the power of placing word after word after word?

Really... I'm curious to hear.

To your writing success,

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I am a leading authority on writing and getting published, specializing in helping first-time authors organize thoughts which may be randomly strewn about into a body of art that makes sense, and then offers support to get the new author out and onto the world's stage.

[Learn to write a robust chapter at]

My strengths as a connector, life-learner, and intellectual shine through as I relate to everyone I come in contact with. They will tell you I'm approachable, warm, articulate and kind; I've been told I'm an old soul who knows you to your core, understand the path you’re on, and walk beside you, so that you are not alone.


