You are good enough!!!!
Doug Wright
"Survivor of Head-On Collision Empowers High Achievers: Never Give Up on Your Dreams, Purpose, and Determination to Succeed"
You become what you think, take a journey into your mind, use the wisdom of your heart, change the way you talk to yourself, tell yourself you are good enough, this has a huge impact on ourselves.
We all have negative self-talk, mind chatter, it is how we limit this that sets ourselves apart, when you hear yourself with these doubts or fears and your mind is trying to take over, say “thank you for sharing”.
Train your mind to serve you not to rule you, tell yourself that you are strong or some sort of affirmation, if we say things long enough even if they are not true, we start believing them, say things of encouragement, like “never give up”.
Who is second guessing themselves?