Are you in God's Will?
Jacob Kinyanjui, Ph.D, PMP, PSM
Corporate Trainer / Project Management / Strategic Management Consultant
David became king when he was 30 years old. He knew his purpose since his youth. God clarified David’s purpose through Samuel. Are you above thirty years of age and still struggling to stand on your feet? You’re yet to get absolute clarity on the reason for your existence. Your gift hasn’t yet become a source of blessing to you and to the world.
David ruled for 40 years. He lived in total for 70 years yet his impact defies description. Are you reigning in your field? Are you operating in your domain? Understanding that life is short, the Psalmist prayed that God may teach him to number his days and apply his heart to wisdom. Are you (just) counting your days (and birthdays) or are you making the days of your life count?
Scripturally speaking, a man’s lifespan is 70 years. If you’ve lived more than 35 years, you’re half gone. Are you applying your days to wisdom? Meantime, the society makes you believe you’re a youth. Special tenders are even reserved for you on account of your youthfulness. Society still calls you a boy. No wonder you’re still a bachelor at that age. No wonder you’re still unstable at that age. What a shame that your girlfriend supports you financially? What a shame to live with your parents in your middle years?
David enquired of the Lord where he should establish his throne. God directed him to start in Hebron. After 7 years, he established his palace in Jerusalem in accordance with God’s will for his life. Is where you’re living in line with God’s will for you? Is the job you’re doing in line with God’s will for you? Outside God’s will there are no blessings – you’ll live and die a hustler.
You’ll only manifest yourself and be fulfilled when you operate in your domain. Your gift is your domain. Your gift is your natural element. Outside your gift is flying against the winds, swimming against the current and growing against nature. Birds never attend flying school. Fish never enroll for swimming lessons. Tree seeds never study afforestation. They just flow in the gift. Are you flowing in your gift?
While David enquired of the Lord regarding his career life, he ignored the Lord in his family matters. He abused his kingly position to satisfy his never-ending lust. He organized the murder of Uriah and took away his wife Bathsheba. He had countless concubines. Guess what? His family relationships were chaotic. His son Absalom slept with his concubines in the sight of all Israel! Absalom led a coup d'état against the king – his father. David’s nephew, Joab, killed Absalom. David’s son, Solomon, killed his own brother Adonijah. Are you in God’s will in your relationships?
On Saturday the 13th Oct from 7am to 7pm, I’ll take those who wish to clarify their purpose in life through “12 Hours of Transformation” at Lillian Towers. I’ll help you connect the dots between your talents, resources at your disposal, skills (and abilities) you’ve acquired and your deepest passions in pursuit of your God ordained purpose.
I found my place. I stopped hustling through life. I began to flow in my area of gifting and calling. You too can connect with your destiny. Stop second guessing life. At times it calls for a Samuel to anoint a David somewhere. At times God uses others to clarify your purpose. Keep in touch with our office for any inquiries. Meantime, let’s examine Blue Sky Strategy tomorrow Friday the 6th July from 6pm to 8pm & Saturday the 7th July from 3pm to 5pm.
I suggest you watch this video…Don’t Waste your Gift.
(Reference: 2Sam 5:4-5; Psalms 90:12; Psalms 90:10; 2 Sam 2:1-3; 2 Sam 5:13; 2 Sam 16:22)
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Dr. Kinyanjui Nganga
Chief Mentor – Sense 101 Life Club
Best Business Speaker / Top Conference Speaker / Best Key Note Speaker / Most Inspirational Speaker