You Are God
Ibraheem Akosile
I help individuals become Awakened. An Awakened person is exactly what the world needs right now.
“I’ll make you God.” Those were my words to a prospective client during a convivial conversation about how my life coaching could help her achieve her widest dreams. Her reaction was instant—that’s blasphemous!
And while I succeeded in shaking her out of her deeply ingrained religious mindset—a common narrative in my home country, Nigeria—I missed my second goal: to open her up to the transformation I could guide her through. It’s a challenge I often encounter in my coaching practice, especially in developing countries where most people are deeply entrenched in religious and cultural beliefs.
My journey into life coaching began during my doctoral studies in England. An opportunity arose for PhD students from Manchester's three universities (Manchester Metropolitan, University of Salford, and University of Manchester) to explore coaching, and I jumped at the chance. I was eagerly expecting to be selected, although the available slots were limited; and I was fortunate enough to be selected. That marked the beginning of my path.
Over time, I immersed myself in the field, primarily through reading—which is essentially my hobby. One of the first books that captured my attention was Tony Robbins', which fueled my enthusiasm for coaching. I devoured countless other books, enrolled in online programs, and combed through websites, gathering as much insight as possible.
Recently, my focus in life coaching has transcended from hardcore to spiritual. The deeper I delve into this space, the more I realize how intertwined it is with my journey of self-discovery. The more I know, the more I seek to know! This spiritual dimension has been a revelation—a path that resonates deeply with me.
Of course, no one is literally God and no one can be God, but we all have the capacity to be God-like. To step into this power, we must cultivate certain attributes. No book explicates the cultivation of these attributes as poignantly as this book?
Our imagination is our connection to the Spirit within us—our link to God. Through it, we have the ability to co-create our reality. This is the same force that innovators and creators throughout history have tapped into. So in that sense, aren’t we all capable of being “God-like”?