As most of the world knows by now that the latest Batman thriller “The Dark Knight “ has sold millions and set an all-time record for people who spent their hard-earned money in these challenging times for some good entertainment, a return on their investment, to see a moving picture show.
Many of us remember and still support State, County, Social or Church fairs. We know a stroll down the mid-way will eventually lead us to the featured attraction and the sideshow attractions. The sideshow attractions are a conglomerate of odd, unusual, freakish, acts that many times don’t hold your interest and you move on to the next. Just like our guests who enter a dealership’s showroom expecting a professional sales consultant and they are met with a “Sideshow” performer. How do we know you will hear I’LL BE BACK! As you know many industry media companies even tell customers to shop multiple dealerships before making a decision. Why? - To avoid the sideshow unprofessional sales consultant.
Now at these fairs, they have the sideshow performers entertain, excite, keep you amused, and solidify stereotypes until they are ready for the featured attraction to begin. In many dealerships where the sideshow sales consultant resides; when they attempt to call the Be Back in order to get another opportunity they many times hear WE HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED. What they are really saying is that they ran into a professional sales consultant who gave them a featured attraction performance and they stroked a check.
Who are these professionals who understand that they are in a featured attraction performance mode with each and every touch with a guest? They are people who open the sale correctly, they are people who build rapport with the guest, and they are people who investigate what the guest’s dominant buying motives are because…. As the professional, you can now present the relevant features, advantages, and benefits of your product to your guests to increase their desire to own your vehicle now! You give everyone you speak to a value building presentation and demonstration of your vehicle. You write up every opportunity to do business. In other words, there is no magic bullet to being a featured attraction performer, the more you learn and the more you practice, the better you’ll become… it’s that simple.
The retail automobile industry has been around for 100 years and still going because the show must and will go on - for there is no business like show business. You just need to decide if your guests will see a featured attraction performance or a sideshow!
Make It A Champion Day!