Are you giving away your power?

Are you giving away your power?

?It's Gail here again, helping you lead with incredible impact.

"Personal Power" is our ability to detach from the expectations and influence of others. Instead, we rely on our innate abilities, core beliefs, and values. Many of us struggle with maintaining this personal power. Too often, we give our power away by letting others negatively influence us. Here are 9 signs that you may be giving your personal power away.?

1.???You Tolerate Things You Hate

A big part of life is putting up with the odd thing we don't like to make a loved one happy. There is nothing wrong with that. Constantly engaging in things you hate because you don't want to speak up, however, is a problem. Claim your personal power back by speaking up in this situation.?

2.???You Don't Speak Up When Something Is Wrong

Sometimes staying quiet to avoid an argument is a strategic move. Is this a recurring theme for you though??If you find yourself always doing this, you might be negating your personal power. Not every battle is worth fighting, but everyone should be comfortable speaking up when their core beliefs are challenged.?

3.???You Worry About The Opinions Of Others

We all have people in our lives whose feelings we should consider. This includes our closest loved ones, friends, and some other colleagues. However, you can't constantly worry about what everyone thinks of you. Worrying too much about the opinions of random people is one of the biggest ways we dilute our personal power. What's more important, your core values or what someone you don't even know thinks about you??

4.???You Don't Set Boundaries

An important part of a fulfilling life is setting healthy boundaries. When you refuse to set boundaries or let people walk all over them, you are giving away your personal power to them. Remember, if people care about you, they will respect your boundaries. "No" is a complete sentence, after all.?

5.???You Complain About Other People Too Much

Do you constantly complain, gossip, or talk about other people? This is a sure sign that you give other people too much control of your personal power. Why would you waste your energy worrying this much about others when you could spend that time on your goals, self-care, or simply enjoying yourself??

6.???You Let Others Call The Shots?

One of the most common ways we give up our personal power is by letting someone else call all the shots. How can you feel powerful if you never make your own decisions? While staying in the passenger seat might be comfortable, we all need to take the wheel once in a while.?

7.???You Don't Listen To Your Gut Feelings

Do you trust yourself? People with a strong sense of personal power believe in their gut instincts. When you ignore your instinct or intuition, you imply that you don't trust yourself. Learning to trust your hunches and instincts will help you gain personal power.?

8.???You Change Your Goals Based On Other People's Opinions

A big aspect of personal power is having goals that you work towards. Your goals should reflect your desires and values. If you allow other people to dictate your goals, are you really living life for yourself? You will have goals that people shrug off as silly or impossible, but don't allow their negativity to rob you of personal power.?

9.???You're Hypersensitive To Criticism

No one likes to hear criticism, but if you become an emotional wreck after negative feedback, you give others too much control over you. Criticism is a normal part of life, and you can choose how you react to it. People with a strong sense of personal power will accept valid criticism while ignoring the untrue.

How many of these resonate with you?

All of them

Some of them

None of them


1.??Think about what matters to you the most. What values do you hold most dear? What goals are most important? Use these as your guiding lights.

2.??Reflect on the last time you let someone else make a big decision for you. How did it work out? Do you wish things had happened differently?

3.??Have you been holding back from doing something because you are worried about what people will think of you? Throw caution to the wind, and do it now.

If this resonates with you and you want some help, you should check out?'The coach in your pocket' - it's 1-2-1 coaching via voice & video chat.??Super easy 'anytime, anywhere' via an app on your phone.

If you're curious about it (and why wouldn't you be, everyone loves it), reply now to find out how to get started.

** This is for you if you don't have the time or budget for a full coaching programme but would like 1-2-1 support.**

I've got a 7-day free trial at the moment if you're curious - you need to do it before the end of February if you want to try it.

In the meantime, be brave, be bold, and be you.


P.S. have you taken?The Leadership Scorecard yet??Get your score and personalised insights into how you can lead with more success in just a few minutes.?I'll also send you a PDF report that you can download and keep.?The best bit is that it's free!


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