Are you getting the help you need?
Talking with doctors about their troubled billing is always inspiring. That may not sound logical, but a conversation I had with a doctor today inspired this offer that I want to extend to you.
Here’s something that I’ve seen too often:
A practice needs help. A billing company with a beautiful website, expensive video production and high fees waltzes in…and makes things worse. How can someone be a self-proclaimed “expert” in their field, yet still mess things up so badly for their clients? A lot of flashy marketing unfortunately doesn’t mean that a practice will receive effective help and see improvement.
This doctor hired such a billing company, which then never checked on their denials. They sent claims out, posted payments and offered a lot of excuses. That kind of thing just makes me mad. That’s a biller making a large profit on a practice, doing only the easy part of the job in exchange for it. How can any self-respecting biller just ignore denials? How can you turn a blind eye to all those failed claims at the clearinghouse? Why aren’t you on the phone with insurance companies, insisting you get through to someone who can correctly answer your questions? You’ve got to be either 1) NOT LOOKING or 2) You must not actually understand your job as a billing professional, how to do the job, or how important doing it right is to the well-being of the clients you have promised to help. It gives a bad name to the rest of us who are working away diligently for our clients, finding and solving the problems that arise and keeping that A/R low.
So – in honor of the doctor I just spoke with who has been through the ringer on their billing, and many others like them, I am extending our free Consultation and Review service to you.
No strings, no pressure. I would love to help a few more practices sort out the areas that are going wrong so that they can zero in on fixing them. The consultation is simple. I ask a few questions and collect some reports. Then I review the information with my team and talk with you to let you know what I see. If you want our help at that point, we can discuss it to see if we are a good fit for you, and if not, I’ll wish you the best.
If you’d like to get some insight as to what’s going on in your practice from an exterior perspective, please give us a call. Or email, contact us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or send a smoke signal. We’ll be watching for it.
Have a great week!
Kat Jordan is the Owner of Orion Billing Services, a professional external billing company. With extensive experience in healthcare billing, Orion is well prepared to help with thorough, knowledgeable claims submission, follow-up and collection.
Call (415) 851-1605 for more information.