Are you a Game Changer?
Dilrukshan Fernando
Venture Capitalist | Startup Investor (27+ Startup Investments) | Scaling Businesses Across Dubai, London, Singapore & New York
Have you ever felt like you’re walking through life with no idea of what you want? Maybe you know exactly what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there.
As we have started the New Year 2020 everyone starts talking about doing something new. Something they want to change in their career, relationships, health or in their habits.
If you observe closely, Goal Setting is one of the most common things that you could find anywhere in our world. Modern society always seems to encourage us to consider the next milestone. But the science and strategy to achieve your goals are what we do not think enough.
Professionals who have master the art of Goal Setting, explains this concept as follows;
‘Goal Setting – It’s a process of choosing an ambition, a target or an objective you wish to achieve’.
The definition is acceptable and the concept is understandable. But how do we do it? I repeat, ‘Perhaps you know exactly what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there.’ How do you become a GAME CHANGER?
I believe there should be a more systematic way to find answers for the above. That’s where an effective goal setting comes in. Goals are the primary step towards planning for the future. They play a fundamental role in developing skills and competencies in achieving at various aspects of life, from work to relationships and everything in between. They are the target at which we aim our proverbial arrow.
We often come across a consultant who stands next to a whiteboard and asking questions such as What is your Goal? What do you want to achieve in life? Where do you see yourself in another five years’ time?
Sounds quiet familiar right?
We believe we are learning the process of Goal Setting from that consultant. Or as a corporate we are forced to believe that we have given the learning to the team by hiring an overpaid consultant. However, the real answer is ‘NO’.
If you are committed to achieve your goals, you should be ready to see things in a different way. Probably it's time for you to change your question from what kind of success you want in life and to ask yourself “What kind of pain do I want?”
You need to prepare yourself mentally before you commit to actions. The real challenge is not defining if you want the result, but if you are ready to accept the sacrifices required to achieve your goal.
If you’re ready, you should be able to answer the fundamental questions.
- Are you ready to face the challenges that come with your quest?
- Are you ready to move from your comfort zone and accept the lifestyle that will dare you?
- Are you ready for the not so pleasant process that comes before the exciting and glamorous outcome?
It’s easy to say ‘Yes’. But remember ‘Everybody wants a gold medal. Few people want to train like an Olympian’. It's always easy to sit around and think what we could do or what we'd like to do. But it is an entirely different process to accept the tradeoffs that come with our goals. You should be ready to commit yourself to be GAME CHANGER!
Learning 1: Goal setting is not just about choosing your rewards, but the costs you are prepared to pay for it.
Goals determine the direction of your path to success, but Systems and Processes combined together is the real key in making the progress. On the other hand, Goals will help you understand the systems and processes you need to have in place. At the end, you will realize that the actual tools that led you to achieve the goals are the systems and processes that you defined at the beginning of Goal Setting.
Learning 2: Goals determine your direction. Systems & Processes determine your progress. You'll never get anywhere just by holding the rudder. You have to row.
Remember, Goal Setting is not a destination, it’s a path to success and an ongoing process. Thus, make sure you keep yourself on track and review your progression on a timely manner. Your final destination may remain similar over the long term, but your action plan can change considerably. Ensure you know the purpose of you goal, the value it offers you and keep its necessity at high.
Learn the art of Goal Setting from our GAME CHANGERS 2020 Workshop. Be a part of visioning 2020 achievers’ forum and make 2020 a year of success.
The author is a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Coach and Visiting Lecturer with over 15 years of industry expertise and well known for Business Transformation and Growth.