Will You Be In The Game Or On The Bench?
DrFred Rouse
I Help People Enjoy Retirement Sooner without worrying about a job or a business with breakthrough Short Window Retirement Planning. Details at DrRouseNow.com
The odds of picking a perfect bracket for March Madness? are nearly 9.2 quintillion to 1. And, yes, that’s a real number.
But the odds of guessing who will win the national championship?
That’s just 68 to 1, and probably less than that if you take a look back at the history of champions.
What do the best teams have in common?
Champions understand the fundamentals of the game. They understand the rules that dictate the gameplay, and how they can use those rules to their advantage.
Champions understand they need both great offense and great defense, because focusing too much on one leaves them vulnerable in the other.
Also, champions need a great coach. Someone who’s not in the heat of the action, but who stands on the sidelines calling the shots. Someone who preps the team, teaches them winning strategies and guides them to victory.
The same things that make a champion on the court will make you a champion in your retirement.
You must understand the rules of retirement, including things like Social Security, Healthcare and Individual Retirement Accounts.
You must understand how to protect yourself while investing your money properly.
And you need a financial coach watching over you who can point out the things you might overlook on your way to, and through, your retirement.
Today, I want to help prepare you for retirement like a great coach prepares his team for the Big Dance?. And I want to give you a copy of my new report, the March Retirement Madness.
Click here to download a copy now. https://drrousenow.com/MarchMadness
It’s the perfect report to read before the games, after, or during halftime. I think you’ll appreciate my play-by-play breakdown of the challenges you’ll encounter.
It’s easy to see what the winning teams have in common, but only if you know where to look and can see the patterns. That’s what I’m here for.
Once again, click here to download March Retirement Madness. https://drrousenow.com/MarchMadness
After you read it, reply to this post or DM me and let me know what you think, and let’s schedule a time for a 1-on-1 call to review your Retirement Game Plan together.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Dr Fred “keeping you in the game” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor