The beginning & bottom line of this Article is we the Imran Lovers can accept dying but cannot tolerate the hierarchical dynasty back again. None of them today nor tomorrow? They are tyrants and cheats, let them pack up and get lost before they breathe their last(message from friends & lovers of Major Haris)?
Worthy audience the opposition has again doomed all politicians, judiciary, somewhat establishment & lastly people of Pakistan through a very maladroit & filthy conspiracy .Which has become talk of the town so let us call it so? It seems like brother Imran Khan has gone nuts “KHUDDA KE LEHGE ME BAAT KAR RAHA HE” So much arrogance beyond limits, so much ego beyond imagination, so much tantrums with so little loss, beyond wisdom? Pakistan has not gone to the dogs why Imran Khan you are pushing youth on the path of fanaticism /foolhardiness and point of no return? Oh my countrymen TOBBA KARO? Pehle tolo phir bolo, UTTNA BOJH MAT UTHAO KE MUUN KE BAL GIRO? Agar Khuda ke baad koi tumhara dost he to wo Pak Army he (Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa).Imran Sahib go to Army People and try to NOURISH SOBRIETY & GRACE . Reduce your and their anger? Imran Khan Sb. today your sources are giving you feedback which seems antiestablishment & may be boiling your blood?
Very wrong indeed, there is nothing alarming except lot of misunderstandings? BUT who will make us believe we are humans (behaving like FIRYONs) none of us is behaving like wisemen and stop acting like animals ? Remember that Market Forces, 5th G Technology and Environments are very hostile towards Pakistan.These factors may kill us without even being noticed ?Folks this is not the time to blow each other apart,everything that you and we did for this Nation is blessing . though we all can make error, you can make error too .it is ok,to err is human? We most humbly would like to request you to please ponder upon few very humble requests & HATH JOR KAR ?kehte hen:-
- Pakistan Armed Forces have been mitigating (reducing /eliminating) all risks faced by Pakistan very silently without telling this Nation as to how they proceeded and what all they lost in that effort.But you the aristocrats class do not know how it pains once we lose our sons and daughter in the defense of mother land again and again , you mighty politician do not even pay a visit to their homes /mausoleum even once in your tenure? Please remember that in US Letter of threat lot of mitigation of risk still needs to be done?Yes believe it? Blunder has been made on our side very awkwardly?Neither you the PM & your team nor Pakistan FM or foreign office is ready to migigate the risk/hazard .Why because what you are saying becomes Divinity as per your mood ? & what other think becomes Hellish, according to your mood .Strange, isn’t it? So brother Imran Khan, you have taken for granted that let Gen Faiz /Gen Bajwa Sb and Pak Army run around for making peace or streamlining broken relation , begging money/funds , begging empathy, begging understanding with the world specially EU/ USA and rest of the west? Why sir you were most expert in dealing with western people,you were their son in law? How dare they betrayed you or you are rude to them?Please realise it,let us be brave and try to erase the ugly past, undo our mistakes and make no more blunders in future?
- Why Imran Khan brother you are saying no to open invitation by all the Services Chiefs over an Ifttar Party invitaion ? Please,please don’t shut all doors?Your enemy want to create rift between two brothers,donot let them have that pleasure? BENAZIR HAD THE SAME PRIDE, Z.A.BHUTTO HAD THE SAME TENOR (most rigid leaders thus wiped out without listening to Army people) YOU ARE NOT DECENDENT OF ANGELS? WHEREAS IF YOU ACCEPT IT HONESTLY ,YOU ARE TRUE LEADER OF A BLIND and VERY CORRUPT NATION but brother you are also the leader of 8th best Army of the world , then why not reconciling with establishment for your People/ Nation? Armed Forces are real real asset of Pakistan. There is no harm in trying a decent approach once more , may it be the last time, we hope you will show greatness and then if it fails,then go for whatever is your next plan. Try it later you may not repent over this minor mistake or miss the chance ?
- Imran Brother don’t say “I” say “we” since we are a Nation. You may hold Lahore Jalsa and then give your demands very briefly in point form starting from seizing all political activity and built up so for?by the opposition by this time /date or…………………then wait for the response, poor response we all will crush them like they deserve?
- If you intend to come back to office gracefully,please come back there is no harm and let us start the things from where the courts interrupted or you dissolved Assemblies….or any other Milestone you want to set?
- If you do not want to provide face saving to all the mysterious Conspirators (including Foreign Hands) & other partners, your own sweet will. But you may agree that it would be counterproductive and would show that you are hell bent upon getting every Pakistani suffer the consequences of Conspiracy by remaining every minute in agony & living in filthiest environments with an unplanned unforeseen & immense future risks?
- My dear Imran Khan either?play a game which has no risks or be able to eliminate risks, if not so at least count the risks /register them & be on watch ,the moment a risk is discovered do whistle blowing & when risk is fully identified & properly assessed only then do the risk mitigation if already planned?
- Dear Imran Khan let us decide that we shall mutually make this country Riasat-e-Madina, forgetting all ills of the people and giving all fair and level ground to all to proceed ahead? No narrow mindedness, no heart burning, no panic no revenge?
2. Dear younger brother Imran Khan the opposition is in extreme trouble? It may collapse today or tomorrow. All the Conspirators have seen the anticlimax. May be that by now US have thought you to be the best person to steer Pakistan best in the right direction and all other proved themselves as exploiters, opportunist and low caste boot polishers? If so when you are head up then why KHUDDA KE LEHJE ME BOLTE HO? ALLAH KA WASTA BAS KARDO? MAT YE GUNNAH KARO? ZID BUHAT BURI CHIZ HE? HEME TUMHARI ZARORAT HE? Please let us think our leader has a large heart full of God fear and?mercy for humans, may these be your enemy?