Are you a friend of yours?
I think one of the greatest tragedies in life is not enjoying the time you spend with yourself. Tell me, have you ever wondered, if you really like you?
Today I watched a toddler, still learning to walk. He stopped by a bush, pulled off a leaf,and spent a great many minutes marveling and cooing at it, much like how an adult wonders at the latest phone or at an architectural wonder. This child was so at peace with himself, he did not need a new app or a new movie to keep him interested. He did not need to text a friend in order to to purge, he was simply enjoying himself. Alone but not lonely. Not existing but very much living.
There are so many distractions that keep me away from being with me, and just being me. Maybe I should turn off the TV and ask myself about me - Who are you? What do you want to accomplish in life? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Are you happy with where you are in life? What can you do to change?
Maybe its a greater tragedy to finally meet yourself at the end of your life when there are no distractions. As one of my favorite music artists put it - "all this time I was finding myself, and I didn't know I was lost" (Avicii-Wake Me Up).
6 年Hi Jessica, Its uncle Lynus. Have you watched Robinson Cursor and Man Friday video? Man Friday before meeting Robinson didn't have to ask himself who he was cause he was living alone in a world of his own. It is only when he met Robinson that he Man Friday confronted that question of who he was. Same for us our self identity is very much a by-product of what others think we are. As an individual we each posses multiple identities. The only thing that does not change is our DNA. Congratulations and all the very best in what you are doing.
Management Accountant
6 年Thanks Jess. very true indeed. we all need quality time to ourselves.
6 年Couldn't agree more. No one will make you more happy then you yourself. A wonderful cover picture at the background of Tabubil Airport (abip).
Contracts Advisor - Contracts and Legal Services, OK Tedi Mining
6 年Very true!! Many times we lose ourselves whilst trying to find ways around our work commitment, family commitment, social commitments etc that we forget to make time available to appreciate ourselves and reflect on how far we have come or where we want to be down the road of life.