Are You Following the FMCSA-OOIDA-Overdrive ELD Exemption Application Fiasco?

Are You Following the FMCSA-OOIDA-Overdrive ELD Exemption Application Fiasco?

The FMCSA-OOIDA-Overdrive ELD Exemption Fiasco: Here's the story @OOIDA and @FMCSA don't want you to know and @OverdriveUpdate and @RandallReilly aren't telling you...

Are You Following the FMCSA-OOIDA-Overdrive ELD Exemption Application Fiasco?

Most of trucking media have yet to put 2 and 2 together. Those that have, are apparently playing political games and are blocking you from filing a comment:

SBTC filed its ELD exemption application originally via fax and US Mail on November 20th 2017

...and publicly announced we did so. It took over SIX MONTHS for FMCSA to publish it in the Federal Register. We had to hire a lobbyist to meet with FMCSA and members of Congress to remind FMCSA they were in VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW , which requires them to publish "upon receipt."

OOIDA, apparently embarrassed that they didn't think of it first, then rushed to file an ELD exemption application the very next day on November 21, 2017.

You may remember OOIDA commenting the last time I filed an exemption application on behalf of industry, asking for a widespread class exemption on the broker bond so that small brokers and owner-operators trying to cut out the middle man and keep their own broker's license would not lose out, calling it a "departure from reality."

My, how the tides have changed.

"Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind."

There were three holidays between 11/21/17 and 1/2/18, yet it took FMCSA only SIX WEEKS for FMCSA to publish it in the Federal Register.

And Overdrive Magazine told drivers back in January how to comment on the OOIDA application but not the SBTC application last week. Why?

Something is very wrong here.

The OOIDA application is closed and a decision is now overdue under FMCSA regulations (it was due by late May; that is, 180 days from their receipt of the November 21st, 2017 application). But note FMCSA gives itself some wiggle room in their rule: "The agency will attempt to issue a final decision within 180 days of the date it receives your application (emphasis added)." 

Imagine if their ELD rule said drivers should attempt to use ELDs or if the HOS rule said drivers should attempt to drive no more than 11 hours. Another double standard.

The SBTC application however is still OPEN.

Click here to submit your comments:

If you have trouble with the SBTC ELD exemption application link when filing your comment, another way is to just go to and then search on docket number: fmcsa-2018-0180#

Over 100 comments have been filed so far.
If you want to help get rid of ELDs, this is your LAST CHANCE.
You should submit a comment online RIGHT NOW before the comment period closes.


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