You will float too.

Not literally, people learned in disciples such as literature, music, film, and art shall be remembering this phrase and connecting it with a horrible creature that grows itself upon fear. You guessed it right, I am referring to Pennywise, and if I recall it rightly, it attacked children in particular because IT used children's purity, simplicity, less complex feelings and actions against them, thereby fearing them easily and with higher level than adults (Collinder, 2019). Notice the term pure, simple, and less complex. In my view, they imply that a physically weak person shall always suffer because either person misunderstood by the public, already aware about evil force, but doing nothing, in that case, the weak is overwhelmed by sheer size of force or the weak person remains unable to express the point and suffers a loss. In other words, unless, the weak person is able to re-adapt, their interests shall be eaten by evil force, the re-adaptation is called reaction to fear. According to Clasen (2014), evil is a psychological artefact, and it is created by an opponent to de-rationalise the behaviour of antagonist. Yes, reader I realise what I am saying but if the evil is a myth and figment of a certain actor then why it does not end.

Theories behind my post

The author explained that the reason the evil exists is it hurts, and the ones that are influenced may respond. Author daubed the process as cognitive danger management adaptation. Well, is not that is exactly what the losers' club did? They realised that actors more powerful than them, were not doing anything about IT; therefore, they re-adapted themselves and managed around IT for good. The readers may be wondering what is the point of this article, well, I wrote a post Pakistani writing industry, - and a fine show of incompetence at public level did not I? Therefore, I am explaining what theories resulted in the post and what caused me to apologise to the unintended targets later. This theory is a good fit, firstly, it is defining what I did against Mr. Abid and Leneur. Secondly, why I used the term public and thirdly, the belied part of this theory is mimicking why I apologised later. In any case, coming to the point, evil does not have to be a monstrous looking thing that is scaring you, it rather is an occurance that is subjecting a person. The force is in powerful position, and this power is augmented with personal situation around the weak person.

That is why, a specific phenomenon, which is feared against varies from person to person. That is to say, fear’s shape depends at what the person is afraid of and who is fuelling this emotion. That is why, evil is called so, it damages and the injury may stir a rebellion into another person, who may then connect with people sharing similar traumas and then coordinate combined effort against evil. However, there is another piece from literature that I shall like to share here, it is crucial, it shall help understand why my behaviour against Mr. Abid changed. The saying goes not all is gold that glitters. Perhaps that is why; visually similar elements, disconnected from each other by composition, may appear glittery all the same. This appearance, I believe reader you are going to agree, may attract certain people, right? In addition, these people maybe temporarily rewarded by taking advantage of that appearance by either using the element of camouflage or taking on a revered appearance via another theoretical approach. For the record, readers the phrase about gold is taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's novel Lord of the Rings, remember, Gandalf states it in a letter to Frodo, all the while referencing Aragorn.

Reflection in the light of knowledge caused me to apologise

Besides, according to Deloitte (2023), outcome of behaviour often dictates future behaviour and then morphs a culture. Culture is a shared belief or assumption and maybe influenced only if invisible and yet shared assumptions or beliefs governing it are understood. Then the change may be brought in the culture. Provided, it leads toward a positive outcome, no, a culture is not a religion because religion is a rule drafted by a faultless, un-influence able, and an uncontrollable and powerful authority. That is why, the religious knowledge influenced me to apologise for my post because I realised that post was somewhat generic and uncalled for generalisation in particular is banned in the religion. Yes, I am saying kind of generic because the term public is in paradox with the content written within the post, because the content is containing the target's name. However, this name is visible only to the reader reading full post, a reader reading the header only shall possibly be stirred by a negative perception because the term public means masses and masses are not ones that I had in mind while writing the post.

Factors of production and my post

This theory was also in my mind when I wrote the post, four factors of production and although, each factor has a weight in generating an economic activity. Nevertheless, owing to factor's visual appearance, technical level and this technical skill, this factor is commanding over other factors of production, which is growing that factor's weight in output (Ciuriak, 2020). Logically, this increased weight means increased responsibility for that factor, right. Regardless, that the theory placed this influence because of sub factor’s nature, which was either to be commanded permanently or temporarily unless certain circumstances have aroused. I am sorry, if I am rambling but I am sure that readers are getting the gist. I am talking about land, equipment, technical data, and human labour falling under command of entrepreneur. In my case, I am a labour and Mr. Abid is an entrepreneur, he is a professional and has large connections that recognise his technical skills and knowledge, in addition, he has capital and is using it source people like me.

If you are wondering about public part, well, that is where it is coming in, the public connected with Mr. Abid include Leneur and his personal connections right. Now I cannot be Mr. Abid, unless I develop technical skill and accumulate enough capital or acquire enough theoretical knowledge, which is rated at a greater rate or by at least the same amount of public as Mr. Abid. Therefore, as I am not an entrepreneur I am not expected to show refinement as same as one which is connecting such a large public with Mr. Abid. To be specific, I am a professional but unless I learn the same amount of professionalism as Mr. Abid, I am unable to act the way Mr. Abid is supposed to. It is called learning curve effect, wider the learning, greater the curve and effect. At least that is my view, I maybe wrong, in which case you shall please correct me reader. Besides, according to Whitson, Simon, and Parker, (2021), technical skill means highly appreciated, recognised, and regarded theoretical knowledge, which added value to society connected with entrepreneur via technical skill. Does not it mean that public remains connected because it is being benefited and the entrepreneur is holding on the connection that is offering growth to entrepreneur.

Placing facts within theory

In order to link above theories together, I am going to shed light on my connection with Mr. Abid. Yes, reader, it is fine, after all, researchers base their opinions at literature and then leave it at the reader to accept or reject the researcher's point. Besides, it makes sense, because I have remained connected before long. I connected to Mr. Abid through Zeeshan Bashir in the year 2020, the time when Zeeshan Bashir was C.E.O. and Mr. Abid fell under his management. You may wonder that my intimate relationship got me connection, well, no, I was asked to provide sample works and these were acknowledged by Mr. Abid. Nonetheless, Zeeshan Bashir remained on the position until August 2022 and is now managing Zowan properties and DigiRanchers as a C.E.O. Yes, it is a long time is not it and it passed off unbroken, why, because Zeeshan Bashir and I never feared for loss of our interests and therefore, managed our dangers accordingly. In other words, following instances either never arose and nor were repeated in time between 2022 and August 2022.

Time when I floated away

These instances are the reason that wrecked my connection with Mr. Abid. The connection got destroyed when Mr. Abid converted the company culture from employee friendly to self-friendly in September 2022. Yes, you are reading it correctly; he began to spoil the connection by making changes, which changed when Mr. Abid feared that employee’s interests were outpacing his interests. Yes, every employer does that but sophisticated stakeholder management comes into play, does not it. For the record, he deducted payments against orders from my invoice, labelled them as small and adjustable amounts, and denied them for about two months. My financial, emotional pain shall only be truly understood by a reader who is earning between PKR 10,000 to 40,000 a month. Yes, because such person does not have any type of saving kept aside but the inability is not considered as an excuse when payment must be made right?

Ironically, this person despite being on the right path must suffer consequences that come as late payment surcharges, social humiliation, and parents' displeasure and on top of that deal with the employer feigning the way an ill-informed person shall adopt. I suspect any human may lash out, two months after all is a very large period, and in these months, I did not stop writing. Imagine my feelings when my well supported communication with employer ends in his saying wait patiently, it is easy said than done, especially when you are being bombarded by actors that only you are feeling and seeing, but the employer just apologises, and that too came only when he ran out of reasons in the face of clear evidence. Had the actions been arrested in future periods, things may have been fine but unabashed application of similar strategy, culminating in salary payment between 20th and 25th after several emails or Whatsapp reminders happened two more time in a row.

Professional concealment that began to fade away

It is rude, is it not? Reason, yes, the employer reasoned. The justification offered was ill health, yes dear reader, I agree, any human is susceptible to sickness, and another human must act mindfully. However, is not then the expectation applicable vice versa that is to say, Mr. Abid displaying sympathy toward my sickness? In my view, it is not expected of a mature human to assign an order while lying about the order's nature on Whatsapp audio, despite being privy about employee's health, and nature of employment. That is what happened in Vibha order in March 2023. Mr. Abid told me to make already researched and written content read better, obviously it means rephrasing and rephrasing does not require additional research, right? At any rate, Mr. Abid said it so. Nevertheless, guess what. The email sent after audio was the same as the one that was confirmed as not workable by me unless three days were given for creating the work on order.

Please note, that in same email I told Mr. Abid about my not being able to work on Saturday, as on that date my personal commitments were due. Anyways, continuing on, I told Mr. Abid that the email is the same as the one already classed as difficult. It was about 7:00 AM then, he told me, after about two hours that I accepted the work and it was unethical of me not to work on it now. Of course, I was incensed, I resent him his audio, which was the reason that I took the work but he instead of acting mindfully and realising the mistake went ahead and cancelled the order. Feeling angry I told him that has brain has got damaged. He responded by two things. Firstly, he is refusing to give me more work, which is fine it is his property. Secondly, he is stopping payment against my February salary that reader is unethical on his part because until today, he has not been able to share any failures or requests for revision for February’s orders and he is still holding onto it, is it justified?

Is it not a self-centred culture, when he was sick and was unable to understand the invoice, created on company provided template by the way, I was expected to act sympathetically but why then not show empathy toward my ill health? Even his entrepreneur self - amid unregulated industry, flashy and powerful personality, which is fuelled by public following him - may get away with his actions he shall not escape a fact. Lying, lying is not even rude, it is a sin, and rude is synonymous with Un-refinement, is it not? No, well this technique is rough, because it is against very rules that were set by him, even after levelling up to the position of the CEO. Yes, my salary for November, December, and January was released between 13th and 17th. It was not held in its entirety for covering a risk of "objection" was this risk not present in November, December, and January. In addition, what if an objection is received after seven months, shall my entire salary be held until then? It is true that I am new to the industry but I have worked with Mr. Abid through Zeeshan Bashir since 2020 and this ridiculous condition never went into effect then. You may say that that is one time act and it is a mistake, well, unfortunately the answer is no.

Time when I re-adapted but was thwarted by public, who was being benefited by Mr. Abid

This very detailed and organised management created disorganisation in my professional and personal life through other works that include NS Arif order, Kashif order, Rao essay, Sohalo poster. To avoid making this article rephrasing of what is already posted. I am going to share only one instance. To me it is a joke and a slap upon the name of an entrepreneur. Mr. Abid told me that I must leave a marking rubric aside when the client is requesting revision, which is not based on initially agreed terms. Okay, that is possible, but why then this very rubric was used by Mr. Abid to cancel an order named Hassaan. About 60% work on this order was accepted by the client but as I failed to follow the term appropriate tool written in the marking rubric. Please note, I have used Google Trends, even then I requested, repeatedly, for seeking access to appropriate tool from the client regardless the order was cancelled and I was labelled as writer of long emails.

Yes readers, you are right if you are wondering that the public connected with Mr. Abid is not to be blamed because until now you do not know whether I took them into the loop. Well, I did, I am aware about CC part of the email. This is used because a powerful authority is hoped to reduce the risk of conflict being blown out of proportion (Assing Hvidt et al., 2020). Well, it all went to pieces, this public despite knowing clients acting against initial instructions did not even jump in, in fact one off my messages was not even forwarded because the public realised I had mocked the client but FAILED TO READ THE explanation that followed in the same message. If the public were sane, shall not they have redrafted the message and forwarded it? In my view, normal course was that but well remember IT and adults' roles in children's lives, is there not a similarity here?

My question to you now readers is my post written against Mr. Abid and Leneur not justified. Are they both acting the way a mature entrepreneur and public is supposed to act. On one hand, they are making rules, drafting a culture and controlling behaviour but then next day negating that very rule. What for, just so the danger of becoming victim to fear from an outcome is avoided. I am not saying that people do not do it but lying, not paying liability, and disregarding self-created rules just to win an argument is not a professional way. I am not worried at all by what they are doing, my only agony was realisation about paradox between content and heading of the post and I thought to justify the reasons behind it. Anyways, the article has got rather long and I shall end it here by thanking you all for your time readers, please comment on the article as it shall guide me and please accept my apologies once again. I shall soon be sharing Mr. Abid’s crude communication via next post.


Assing Hvidt, E., S?ndergaard, J., Klausen, M. and Gr?nning, A., (2020). Not just an information-delivery tool. An ethnographic study exploring Danish GPs’ perspectives on and experiences with the relational potential of email consultation.?Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care,?38(4), pp.411-420.

Ciuriak, D., (2020). Economic Rents and the Contours of Conflict in the Data-driven Economy.?Policy Brief, Centre for International Governance Innovation, June.

Collider (2019). Pennywise explained: what exactly is Stephen King's IT. Online accessed at 28th March 2023

Clasen, M., (2014). Evil monsters in horror fiction: an evolutionary perspective on form and function.?A history of evil in popular culture: What Hannibal Lecter, Stephen King and vampires reveal about America,?2, pp.39-47.

Deloitte (2023). Culture shifts: Changing Beliefs behaviours and outcomes. Online accessed at 28th March 2023

Whitson, J.R., Simon, B. and Parker, F., (2021). The Missing Producer: Rethinking indie cultural production in terms of entrepreneurship, relational labour, and sustainability.?European Journal of Cultural Studies,?24(2), pp.606-627.

Khurram Memon

Free-Lance Research Writer

10 个月

Salman Ahmed thank you very much for reading and reacting to this post.



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