Are You Fixated on the Quick Fix?
The quick fix.
The magic bullet.
The miracle pills.
It’s the holy grail of dieters everywhere.
They search and search. They get excited by medical research that boosts their hopes about something coming down the pike that will cure the overweight malady once and for all without a lot of hard work.
The diet industry knows how desperate you are for an easy solution. That’s why they capitalize on your endless hope by presenting their products as quick, easy and painless. Everywhere we look there’s a new product being touted as the next cure.
Take a short walk through the supermarket checkout line. Perfectly positioned where shoppers stand, bored, looking for something to pass a few minutes: the tabloids, the women’s/men’s and fitness magazines. Ever looked at those headlines and compared them? They ALL say the same thing! ALL use key words that entice you into false expectations.
? Get fit the ???????? way
? ???????? steps to perfect fitness
? Drop pounds for good — 12 ???????? options
? Burn holiday fat ????????
? Perfect hips, thighs, stomach, butt — ????????
? 28 days to a knockout body
? ???????????? success to ?????????????? will power
Magazines publish articles with these titles for one reason only: Because they sell magazines. You buy this stuff because you want it to be true. Unfortunately, it’s not.
Quick fixes are neither lasting, nor sustainable. A quick fix for any problem is only meant to hold things together until an effective long-term solution is put in place. It’s merely the proverbial band aid. ???? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ????????????!
So give up the illusion of the quick fix; that illusion is distracting you from the real truth: Successful weight control requires a long-term commitment to healthy eating (and exercise).
It’s hard work. Nothing can change that fact.
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