You Fit the Description
Pricely Francis - Author

You Fit the Description

Black is beautiful (Song of Solomon 1:5), but black also "fits the description."

It does not matter how you appear: You may be male or female, a child or an adult, young or old, fat or slim, bald head or dreadlocks. If you are black, you fit the description.

?Selwyn Romilly, the first Black judge, named to B.C.'s Supreme Court, now retired, can tell you beyond a doubt that all black people fit the description. Perhaps he would not say that because he is a very nice guy, as you will see.

Judge Selwyn Romilly was walking on Vancouver's seawall one Friday morning in May 2021, enjoying the weather and thinking how great life was. Of course, I am only guessing what was going in his mind, and I don't know for sure the weather was great, but it must have been because the judge was out walking. However, just before 10 a.m., five police officers approached him.

?The officers told the law-abiding judge that they "got a report, that somebody made a report" and he "fit the description of a person (that had been) reported." If the complaint sounds roundabout, it is. Here is the actual report the Vancouver police gave. They received several calls about a man running around English Bay, screaming and shouting at people, with witnesses telling police the man had tried to kick and punch passersby.

The suspect was described as a dark-skinned man, about 40 to 50 years old. That was all the police needed to know (dark-skinned) to arrest the first black person (it would not have mattered if it were a female. I will prove that to you later) they ran into.

?According to the judge, "Without much ado, they told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back and put me in handcuffs. The place is packed with people, and they're seeing a Black man placed in handcuffs. … They didn't ask me my name or questions. They put the handcuffs on in indecent haste." [Cheryl Chan, Stephanie Ip (May 16, 2021)?Vancouver Sun.?"Vancouver police apologize after arresting retired judge based on suspect description"].

?Let me say it again. It does not matter your physical appearance: You may be male or female, a child or an adult, young or old, fat or slim, bald head or dreadlocks. If you are black, you fit the description.??

?Tatyana Hargrove, a girl (if you can't tell from her name) was 19 when police confronted her at gunpoint and punched her in the mouth because they mistook her for a 170lbs bald, 5ft 10in male suspect!!! Tatyana was 5ft 2in and 115lbs. Tatyana was not only punched in the mouth but also bitten by a police dog.

?The teen was riding her bicycle home when she stopped to take a drink of water. "And then I turned around," Hargrove recounted, "there were three cop cars, and one of the officers already had a gun drawn at me."

The confrontation escalated after an officer demanded to search her backpack, and she asked if he had a warrant. Hargrove said that police grabbed her by the wrist and neck, punched her and threw her to the ground, where she was bitten in the leg by a police dog. One officer put his knee in her back and another knee on her head.??

?She later called her parents from a hospital bed.

?The police officers arrested the young girl on suspicion of resisting or delaying an officer and aggravated assault on an officer. "'They beat me and threw me in the cop car, and told me I looked like the guy that matched that description. I read the paperwork, and it said I shoved an officer and flipped him on his back," Hargrove said.

[Jessica Finn (12 July 2017)?Daily"Black 5ft 2in teenage girl weighing 115lbs tells of horrific ordeal as police confronted her at gunpoint and punched her in the mouth when they mistook her for a 170lb bald 5ft 10in male suspect" .].

?Did I say it doesn't matter your physical appearance? If you are black, you fit the description?

?Peel police officers and members of the Toronto Police Emergency Task Force were looking to apprehend 21-year-old Kwami Garwood, who was wanted on suspicion of kidnapping in Peel Region and in connection with an unrelated murder in Toronto. Who do you think they took down? A 17-year-old teen on his way to McDonald's.

?Police boxed in the teen's car, smashed the window with a hammer, fired a stun grenade into the car, dragged the teen from the vehicle, and cuffed him. Video of the incident captured by a bystander shows the boy being held to the ground by heavily armoured officers. Asena Cengiz, the bystander who shot the video, said she was concerned that the teen couldn't breathe and said she saw him patting his chest when he was pressed against the car. She said she would have been "traumatized for life" if she had been the subject of the arrest she witnessed.

?Dave Bosveld, the teen's godfather, said that even after police realized their error, they charged his godson with breaching a court condition not to drive because he was caught driving without a license when he was younger. "The fact that they persisted in laying charges after they got the wrong guy for something entirely unrelated just goes to show what we're dealing with out here." [Joshua Freeman, (April 5, 2021) CP24 Watch Live. "Peel police launch internal probe after Black teen mistakenly arrested in high-stakes takedown"].

?Didn't I tell you it doesn't matter how you appear; as long as you are black, you fit the description? Judge Selwyn Romilly was about 81 when he was mistaken for a 40 to 50-year-old man! Tatyana Hargrove was a girl, 19, 5ft 2in, 115lbs but mistaken for a 170lbs BALD 5ft 10in MALE suspect! A 17-year-old teen on his way to McDonald's was mistaken for a 21-year-old guy, whose picture I am assuming the police must have had since he was so well known as a lawbreaker.

?Black and beautiful, yes, but who cares? You fit the description.

?In Harris County Texas, a police officer tried to arrest a black father, Clarence Evans, in front of his own home after incorrectly identifying him as a suspected criminal from another state. Apparently, this police officer was driving by and saw this black family hanging out on their driveway. The whole thing was caught on camera.

?When the video began, the police officer had the black man against a car, which I assume was the family car. Clarence is protesting that the officer doesn't even know his name, but he was telling him he had an open warrant. All this time, the cop was trying to hustle him towards the cop car and calling him Quintin from Louisiana

Both Mr. Evans and a female off-camera were protesting strongly, (Mr. Evans loudly at times and with some choice swear words thrown in) for a good five minutes that Clarence is not Quintin and does not live in Louisiana. That did not persuade the officer one bit because the most important thing about Clarence Evens was his black skin and, in this case, as we will later see, his dreadlocks.

?Did I tell you that Clarence Evans was chilling in front of his home with his family when this cop happened to drive by his home? The cop stopped, asserted that the dog in Mr. Evans yard was not his, and began to harass the black man, trying to arrest him as Quintin, who had an open warrant in Louisiana. So now, it doesn't matter what you look like (male or female, a child or an adult, young or old, fat or slim, bald head or dreadlocks), it also doesn't matter where you are and how long you've been there, if you are black, you fit the description.??

?The officer insisted that Evans go to his car, where he has a photo on his phone that would prove Evans was a fugitive from the law. However, Mr. Evans, knowing full well the low odds of coming home alive after being falsely arrested, loudly and stubbornly declared that he was not getting into that cop car because he was not going to be the "next ni**** you kill. F*ck that sh*t." As I watched the video, it became apparent that Mr. Evans had decided that it would be preferable to die on his doorsteps than to get in that police cruiser.

?Eventually, another officer appeared on the scene and got the arresting cop's cell phone with the photo ID of "Quinin" from his car. "Here is the deal, doesn't that look like you?

"No! no! that don't look like me!" Evans bellowed with supreme confidence.

"That's not him!" the female voice off-camera chimed in.

"What the f*uck is wrong with you man?" Mr. Evans stared back at the cop holding the phone in his right hand.

"Calm down!" the cop ordered.

"What you trying to say?" challenged Mr. Evans, "'Cause I got dreads and I am black, that's me?"

"No," the cop replied.

"That's not him," called the female voice behind the camera.

"She can see that's not me from over there." My Evans pointed towards the camera. He looked again at the picture and said "No way!"

The would-be arresting officer said he wanted to see Mr. Evans' ID.?

?("At this point, a written narration appeared on the screen: "Evans said the picture was of a black man with locs in his fifties.")

?There is a lot of shouting from Evans, the woman operating the camera and the two officers trying to convince Evans the picture of the wanted man is him. They make as if to take a firm hold of Evans who declared, "It's gonna take a lot more than two of y'all." The officers continued to arm wrestle with Evans. At the same time, the now panic-stricken female voice cried out, "please! Stop! That's not him!" repeatedly.

?The first officer pried Evan's wallet from his hand and looked at his ID. From this point on, the officer seemed satisfied that Clarence Evans was not "open warrant" Quintin from Louisiana. With that, Evans got really angry and loud. He told the two officers to get the "F" out of his yard, and "You just said I am somebody named Quintin because he got dreads and he black. What the f*ck is that sh*t?"

?Ahhh! Mr. Clarence Evans. I thought you knew the rules by now. If you are black, you fit the description. That is the point, the end all and be all. [Cop Caught Arresting the Wrong Man in Racial Profiling Incident | NowThis].

?On September 3, the Grand Rapids Police Department arrested a Black man, a McDonald's employee, who was waiting to collect his paycheque at the restaurant. The police said he "fit the description" of a suspect in a robbery reported nearby.

?It did not matter that the mans' co-workers shouted to the police that this man worked with them, they knew him, and he, who was now on the sidewalk on his knees and holding up his shirt to show he was not armed, was at the restaurant for two hours. This meant that he could not have committed the crime that took place half-hour earlier. Talk about an iron-clad alibi!

?But it made no difference. He was black. He was first black person the police rolled upon. He fit the description. Therefore, he is the robber. Case close. (It doesn't matter where you are and how long you've been there). He was arrested, thrown in jail overnight and charged with destruction of police property, attempted assault, and resisting of a Police Officer.


?Black people, you beautiful, but you fit the description.

?Dave Chappelle is on stage doing one of his spell-binding comedy routines:

"I don't get mad at all the police. You know what I get mad at? It's those dam sketch artists. Seriously, they keep drawing the same nigger over and over -like, who's this generic guy we all look like?

'Did you get a look? Did you see the guy that tried to rob you'

'Yes! Yes, I did. He's about six feet tall.'

'Six feet tall?'

Yeah, yeah. He had his hat on backwards too.'

'Good! That's good stuff sir. Hat on backward.'

'He was black.'

'Ok. Big lips, big dick hanging out. Say no more, sir. I'll draw him from memory'"[Dave Chappelle - The Truth Behind Police Profiling.].

?I conclude with two requests, one I make of the police and the other of black people. Police departments, tear up your black people stencil and burn it. As for you black people who commit crimes, STOP IT! BEHAVE YOU SELF! You are putting the rest of us in jeopardy.


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