You will be the first to know — how to create an alert about traffic drop in GA
Ielyzaveta Bolonna
Web analyst, UX Researcher with passion to profession, SQL, Power BI, Data Studio, GA4
Google’s update, ban from search engines, errors of programmers or drop of hosting service could be a reason for dramatically decreasing traffic on your site.
For in-time tracking of the level of traffic on your site, you can use the alert system in GA.
To create an alert, open GA and follows the path Customization — Custom alert
Here, we can see that section is empty. Let’s create one.
To create an alert press button Manage custom alerts and the button New alert.
In the next window, you can give a name to the alert and choose what data view it will be applied to. We can choose a time range for scanning. In my case, it’s 1 day. Also, I checked the box Send me an email to receive data when an alert will work. I can add other emails that can receive this email alert.
Next step is choose alert working conditions
I need to check the traffic level every day. I know that a minimal level of traffic on my site is 300 users per day. Thus I created a condition that GA is sending me an alert when the level of traffic dropped less than 300 users.
You can create other alerts operating sets of conditions that GA can provide.