Will You Be Financially Secure?
The most common financial concern I hear is, “Will I be financially secure in the future?”? If I had a crystal ball, it would be great, we would all be financially secure.?
I answer that question with questions. I would like to know where you are today.? What have you been doing in the past that's worked? What have you been doing that has failed? What are you anxious about when it comes to money? What worries you about all the different financial products that are out there and how do you use them correctly? For example, the stock market, savings, life insurance, annuities - how will those products work for them and what will taxation be on each of those assets?? All financial decisions you make today come into play for the future.
Most importantly, I like to hear about a vision of your personal life five years from now, 10 years from now, 15, or 30 years from now. All sorts of things are going to happen during that time.?
My husband and I have been married for 30-years. Our three children are grown with children of their own. What we planned to do 20-years ago did work out, and we are grateful for that.? There were also a couple things that didn't work out as expected and we were able to deal with those events.
As long as we can keep measuring the progress that you're making every year, you're going to be able to weather the storms and be financially fit.?
Let’s sit down and make sure that what you want to have happen, when you want it to happen, and how you'd like it to happen is actually going to happen.? I welcome a call to chat more about what you want for your future and that of your heirs.