Are you a Feminist
Hritika Bhattacharya Kar
I have got 99 literature ideas??, Content Creation is what i do with them!
I dropped the " F" word right in the beginning , because why not!
Nowadays we all talk and preach about this idea ( if you ask me, we preach more than actually talk about this) so i thought why not drop this bombshell of a concept right in the beginning .
So, the idea of Feminism and being called or calling yourself a Feminist is something i see has gotten a trend on social media if i am not wrong, we follow feminist leaders , post our views on Feminism, but ( there is always a but which follows! ) my question is, do we really know what Feminism actually means?
Ok, Don't call me out in the comments saying, " obviously we do, you need to update yourself " etc....
So, i have an idea, let me explain this concept to my Literature-nerd family in a way i would explain to a five-year old, you tell me in the comments if you got the idea or not...let's go..
For Context : Priya and Rahul are siblings , Priya is 5 years old, Rahul is 7 years old, they went to a mall with their parents.
Priya : Mom i want that Blue truck! It's dope!
Rahul ( running towards his sister holding a box in his hand ) : Mom, i want this pink house , i want to re-decorate it ......
Mom : But both of you have already enough toys at home!
Both whinning loudly : PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEEEEE ......
Mom : Ok fine....but only this time...this should not be a habit.
Did you like the story? Did you notice anything different?
So, the basic idea here which clearly tells us that Priya and Rahul's mom a Feminist is her one action, " She gave Priya her daughter the free will to choose! " if she wants a blue truck, she gets a blue truck, no brainwashing that ' your a girl, play with dolls...' nothing...and that is the idea of Feminism..." The free will to choose" and here another thing which stems out is that Priya's brother Rahul also got the freedom to play with what colour of toy he we can safely say that feminism is actually beneficial for all of us.
I hope my little story made few things clear , so moving on, let's come to the question that why we are talking about this idea of Feminism being a Podcast Junkie...i was listening the other day...BEERBICEPS Podcast with the famous " NORA FATEHI " Episode where she told her views on Feminism, about which the internet is going all gaga!
My Opinion :
After listening to the episode i was pretty clear about one thing, that what the guest was saying or sharing her idea of Feminism was actually " Pseudo Feminism" where the concept of Feminism is abused.
And I agree to her. ( yess i said that!)
I mean, she clearly stated that she has no problem with the foundation of the idea of Feminism ( which is the free will to choose) but nowadays this idea is getting abused and we are leaning towards Pseudo Feminism which she feels has damaged our soceity. So the word which in my view, the guest should have used was ' Pseudo Feminism' .
Having said that, let's now have a sneak-peak into another aspect to this idea:
Feminism and Literature :
Feminism found it's way in literature around late 19th century. Now in literature also, the writers had a different idea of feminism, they started with the seed of thought that , ' women stories needs to be told by women only, not by a male perspective' also another narrative was flowing around this idea was, ' women are not treated the way male authors write about them in their works, the most beautiful lines might be coming from a woman character but in reality she does not even know how to write.'
An author who is my favouraite from this genre of writing is, Virginia Woolf. She in her work , " A Room of One's Own"( also happens to be my current read) have beautifully laid down how the basic necessities of the soceity are equally important for a woman, she needs her space as well as her share of independence in order to grow and follow what she wants.
So, i believe this idea has pretty much layers to it, but the base layer still remains the same to my understanding, which is, " Freedom to choose"
And here we have come to the end of the Post today!
Hope you enjoyed it.
I am attaching the link to that podcast clip of BEERBICEPS and NORA FATEHI episode so that you can see and form your conclusion.
But don't forget to share what you think about this episode in the comments Below!
P.S : Do tell whether you liked my little story time in the post or not!
P.S.S : The Episode ( click on this to listen to the podcast clip)