Are you feeling unlucky in love?

Are you feeling unlucky in love?

Sometimes there's a reason for it...

Many of my clients come to me because they're feeling unlucky in love. Some have just divorced or ended a long-term relationship. Others feel like they keep picking the wrong person and have their heart broken again and again. 

The thing about not being successful in love is that many times you can do something about it. If you're willing to look deeper, you can figure out what's not working and take the necessary steps to correct it.

When I begin working with a client who feels unlucky in love, I take them through a set of questions to help them recognize how they may be sabotaging their efforts to attract love. Here's a list of some of the questions I ask which may be helpful to you figuring out what's keeping you unlucky in love:

Are you dependable? 

When you're dating someone it's important that you let him/her know he/she is important to you. And one of the best ways to do that is to be dependable -- to do what you say you're going to do and to be where you say you're going to be when you committed to being there. You can be counted on!

Everyone wants to know they can rely on their partner. If you're not someone your partner can count on, your love won't last long at all. Think back to when you may not have been as reliable as you could have been. Maybe it was because you had other responsibilities pulling at you. Then it's important to communicate what's been hard for you to be as reliable as you'd normally like to be.

Are you supportive?

Being supportive means you take the time to really know what's important to the person you're dating. You encourage, nudge, and reassure them. You're there for them -- especially when they're facing a challenge.

You also tell your partner you have faith in them for figuring out the best path. And not get impatient with their progress. You also can ask, "How can I help?"

One of my female clients was having medical issue that needed time to be resolved. Instead of being supportive, the man she was dating said to her, "Did you take care of it already?" She felt he wasn't very supportive and broke up with him.

Do you think in terms of "we" or "me"?

It's funny that a pronoun can make all the difference when you're examining the reasons why you may be unlucky in love, but it does.

When you have a "me" mindset, you're focused on what YOU want and need. If you desire your partner to be happy, then you'll need to take their needs into consideration, as well. And if your first thought is about yourself, then you're in the "me" frame of mind.

When you have a "we" mindset, your actions change. You think more from a collaborative point of view and about how you might work together to achieve what you both want and need. Sometimes what's important to you comes first and at others your partner's wants and needs come first.

Do you practice open and direct communication?

Nothing builds trust and rapport with a person more than open, honest communication. It's a way to share your hopes and dreams. It's a way to let your partner know who you really are and what's important to you.

Yet not everyone is a great communicator or willing to share openly at first.

Some people believe that if someone really cares about them, that someone should be able to just "know" what they're thinking or what they need. No one is a mind reader and if you're expecting your special someone to just "know" what you're thinking, your relationship won't survive for long.

Others are reticent to share details about themselves. They might believe no one would really be interested in what they have to say. Or they might just be extremely private people and trust few. Or they may be shy and just not feel comfortable talking to a complete stranger. People only connect with others they know, like and trust and without these attributes there's no way a love relationship can blossom.

And making requests of your partner is a key relationship skill. I recommend you stretch yourself to have an honest and direct conversation with a potential partner. You may just see your luck turn around.

Are you energetic enough?

Relationships are about experiencing life together and doing things together as a couple. If you're persistently "too tired" to do the fun stuff or not up for even the necessary stuff to build a relationship, then your relationship will not take off.

Look at what is draining your energy. What can you do to increase your vitality? And see a doctor or a nutritionist if you need to boost your energy. Or maybe you can delegate some responsibilities and get some help.

How are you spending your time?

For your special someone to feel special to you, they need you to make time to be with them. No one wants to be at the bottom of your to-do list.

We all spend our time on the things that are most important to us. If what's most important to you right now is climbing the corporate ladder or managing your business, then it's no wonder that you're feeling unlucky in love. Of course, you may have responsibilities as a parent or parent caretaker. And that's commendable to be of service. However, you may not be prioritizing your love life highly enough and it shows to your partner. 

Relationships require quality time and attention. What can you do to make more time for someone special? Again, how can you delegate or get help to make more time for a relationship?

Do you take the initiative?

Let's face it, people who take initiative in developing their relationships are always luckier in love than those who don't.

Do you hang back and wait for other to make the first move? And if someone shows interest, do you reciprocate in a timely manner? Do you text regularly and if you're a man, ask to have a phone call or video date? Or do you wait for the woman to ask first? When you initiate, the right people will appreciate it and you'll find another pro-active person like yourself.

Are you generous?

Do you hang back. This comes up many times in my coaching. How someone is generous or not. And I'm not saying someone has to spend a fortune on a date, but offer to pay for a cup of coffee, bring some token gift of something you heard your date likes. Offer to make dinner.  

One of my male clients was at wits end when he kept taking a woman out and buying her dinner and taking her to events and such. She never reciprocated in any way. And when she went on vacation, she didn't bring even a lousy t-shirt back for him. Then he called it quits!  So look at how you contribute to the relationship.  

So, how did you do? Did you find a potential reason or reasons for your lack of success in love?

When I help my clients examine the reasons they're unlucky in love, we use what we find to create a plan for improving their dating success. I help them make the necessary changes to help them find lasting love.

If you'd like to explore how I might help you become luckier in love, click the link in the comments to schedule some time for us to talk about turning your luck around.

Now is the best time of the year to find love. Let me help you to become luckier in your search for true love! Click here to schedule a time to chat with me after filling out my “Get to Know You Form” at:

Wishing you great success in love and life!?


Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, PCC的更多文章

