Are You a Facilitative Leader?

Are You a Facilitative Leader?

Have you ever thought about how you lead others?

There are many kinds of leaders, from those who prefer an authoritative approach, to those who stand by the “laissez-faire” philosophy.?

But, there’s one you might not have heard of. It’s called facilitative leadership. It's a type of leadership where the leader helps everyone work together and come up with ideas. It's like being a coach instead of a boss.

Facilitative leaders are really good at making room for other people's thoughts and ideas. They know that they can't do everything by themselves, so they help others to speak up and share their own ideas. They make sure that everyone's ideas are heard and considered, and they create a safe and comfortable environment where people can talk about difficult things without feeling scared or judged.?

Does this sound like you? Keep reading to learn more about being a facilitative leader.

What is a facilitative leader?

Facilitative leaders are empathetic because they want everyone to feel like they matter and that their ideas are heard. They help guide everyone towards doing things that will help the whole organization.

It’s all about being a good listener and having brave conversations.

Vinay Kumar, Chair of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF), said: "Leaders who understand how to invite people into a participatory environment and use the group energy to innovate fit well into today's context. With the world calling for more inclusion and equity, tomorrow's leaders need to be facilitators."

Examples of facilitative leadership

If you want to be a facilitative leader, here are some things you can do:?

  • Make sure everyone on your team feels comfortable sharing their ideas. You can do this by creating a safe space where everyone feels heard and respected.
  • If something changes, call a meeting so everyone can work together to solve the problem. This way, everyone can have a say and feel like they're part of the solution.
  • Let your team members work in the way that works best for them. Everyone has their own style, so don't be too strict about how things get done.
  • Don't be afraid to have tough conversations with your team. If there's an important issue that needs to be addressed, be brave and talk about it. This will help everyone grow and improve together.

Traits of a facilitative leader

Facilitative leaders are all about working with their team to make decisions together. It's like when you play on a sports team and everyone has to work together to win.

A good facilitative leader is:

  1. Attentive. Listens to everyone's ideas and uses them to make decisions.
  2. Collaborative. Gets everyone involved in solving problems and making decisions, even if some people are shy or have different opinions and experiences.
  3. Emotionally intelligent. Able to stay calm and understand other people's feelings, even when things get tough.
  4. Trusting. Trusts their team to do their work in their own way.

Benefits of facilitative leadership

Did you know that most workers want their leaders to talk about important issues? 60% of them! And even more people, 80%, want leaders to be honest and open. This means that being a good leader isn't just about work, it's about being a good person in general. And that's super important if you want to keep good workers and make lots of sales.

Now, let's talk about how being a facilitative leader can benefit your employees:

  • Gives them more freedom to be creative and come up with new ideas. Facilitative leaders let their employees do their work without always checking up on them, which makes them feel trusted and respected.
  • Makes them feel more committed to their job. When employees feel like they are part of the decision-making process, they are more likely to care about their work and want to do a good job.
  • Encourages conversations about important topics. Facilitative leaders create a safe space for people to talk about things like diversity and unconscious bias. This helps everyone feel more comfortable and included, which leads to better teamwork.
  • Helps everyone work together better. When team members collaborate and take responsibility for their work, it creates a more open and welcoming environment. This makes it easier for everyone to share their ideas and work together to get things done.

Do you want to be a leader who helps everyone work together better? Then you should check out our Facilitation Training! It'll teach you all the skills and tools you need to make sure everyone feels included and valued. So come on, let's build a more inclusive culture together!

Indy Rishi Singh

Community Educator ☆ Chief Pollinator ? Servant to People & Planet

1 年

I wonder how it important it is that a facilitating leader embodies these virtues more than checking boxes/getting a certificate. I keep witnessing folks with certifications leading facilitative workshops that control zoom meetings, limit community interactions, and prevent diverse philosophies that may challenge their own insecurities



