You are the expert of your own story

You are the expert of your own story

This week, during the work-from-home period, I have finished reading a book written by Michelle Prince, The Power of Authority: How to Get the Revenue, Respect & Results You Deserve by Authoring a Book. This is not the first book with the similar topic that I read, but Michelle’s track record as an international best-selling author, publisher, and motivational speaker really resonates with my life vision, which seemingly makes her book worth reading. Besides, she was mentored by Zig Ziglar, one of the biggest names in the area of personal development.

I’m going to begin this article with Michelle’s notion: the word ‘authority’ can’t be formed without the word ‘author’. Implicitly, someone’s authority is influenced by his/her ability to convert his/her life story and professional experience into something documented and shareable. In short, someone’s authority in their field of expertise will grow gradually, if not exponentially, if he/she chooses to write a book.

For someone like Michelle who decided to monetise her skillset, writing a book has brought her at least eight benefits: (1) Establish herself as the leading, go-to expert in her field; (2) Differentiate herself as the logical, best choice; (3) Gain more revenue, respect, and results; (4) Have more leverage in charging fees; (5) Get instant credibility with prospects; (6) Stand out from the competition; (7) Have more opportunities; and (8) Attract more clients.

For someone like me, who never put any price list or minimum fee when people ask for my advice about how to write a book or ask me to be a speaker in their events, I can say that being an author has not been financially rewarding. I don’t think that I’m a leading, go-to expert in education and motivational writing, nor do I think that I have an authority to say that I’m better than those who don’t write a book about education or motivation.

However, I do know, and I know that someone like Michelle knows, that we are the expert of our own stories.

Since I’m the expert of my own story and you are the expert of your own story, I believe that everyone can start writing a book by simply answering these discussion-starter questions:

  1. Which part of my personal stories or professional experience is witty, inspiring, legendary, likeable, imperfect, adoptable or mind-blowing? (If you notice my subliminal message, please remember WILLIAM).
  2. How can I write my story or experience from my own perspective and not copying others’ words?
  3. Who will be my potential readers?
  4. Why do my potential readers must read my book and not the other books with a similar topic?
  5. What do I want my potential readers to feel after reading my book?
  6. What is the moral of the story of my book?
  7. Will my book follow a chronological order in presenting the story? Or, will that be presented in a how-to or tips-and-tricks format?
When I say that being a book author has not generated financial benefit for me, it doesn’t mean that I receive no reward or result at all from my publication.

When my first book was published in 2007, I was just a regular high-school student. In 2020, when I have authored three books and co-authored two books, I can proudly say that I’m not that regular anymore. My book has allowed me to make friends with like-minded people from more than 30 countries, win two scholarships worth around $150,000 for my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, be more confident whenever I face job interviews, speak in major international events in Australia, Taiwan, and Indonesia, and be featured by more than 20 mass media in Australia and Indonesia. At last, life isn’t only about money, is it?

Well. I have written my own story, now is your turn.


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