Are you excited to know about Event Flow in Javascript ??
Sougandika L
Immediate Joiner ll Serving Notice Period ll Software Developer at People Tech Group private Ltd Il ANGULAR l TYPESCRIPT l KENDOUI l NGRX l REDUX l HTML l SCSS I CSS l BOOTSTRAP
Order in which event triggered on DOM nodes is called event flow.
There are 2 types of events:
1. Event Bubbling
2. Event Capturing/ Trickling
In event bubbling, events will be triggered from in to out as you can see below
When the child div is clicked, then the event propogation will be
Child => Parent => Grand Parent
In addEventListener, after the type of event( Eg: click), followed by callback function (Where the Logic handled is written) and then the boolean, if set to true indicates Event Capturing. If false, then Event Bubbling is triggered.
In event capturing, events are trickled down, as shown below.
When Child div is clicked, events are triggered from Grand parent, then in parent and then finally in child.
Grand Parent => Parent => Child
In addEventListener, after the type of event( Eg: click), followed by callback function (Where the Logic handled is written) and then the boolean, set to true and so indicates Event Capturing.
That's all about event flow/ propogation in Javascript. Hope you had happy learning.
Sougandika L.