If You Ever Wondered How I Got The Name ‘Champion’, Here is the True Story…
Champion Idogun
Real Estate Entrepreneur | Keynote Speaker | Personal Economy Repositioning Expert | Author - Anyone Can Be Rich
So many people are often surprised. Each time we meet for the first time, and I introduce myself as “Champion”, they often ask, “Is That Your Real Name?” In the words of Morpheus to Neo in the Matrix, “What’s real?"
There is a deeper story behind that name. And I want to share it with you today. Besides, I have been passively online for a couple of months now because I needed to create something that will transform the Nigerian real estate market. It's a new book. And I’m done now. And I’ll soon announce the launch date. Anywhere You are in the world, print copies will be available for you.
Back to the story…
I always define my own path. I'm crazy and daring, and not easily swayed by public opinions. Less emotional, more rational. If you can’t appeal to my mind, forget it. And I enjoy being so.
Perhaps, all these played out in how I got the name ‘Champion’. I was young, and daring, blazing with ambitions to do big things with my life. I wasn’t born with the name. I made it and it made me. It got me a lot of haters then. I will show why I did it and what it cost me.
I was born at a time when my family was in a financial crisis. It was a ‘bad’ time to be born. After the years of boom, I was a sufferer of the gloomy times. Prior, my dad was gainfully employed with the then Bendel Cement Factory in my community. Besides his job, he was very entrepreneurial, he had a business too. That plays a significant role in how our family got enamoured with entrepreneurship. Due to the collapse of Bendel Cement Factory, he lost his job, and that had a snowball effect on his business.
My dad's business went underwater. It was a hard time. It was a moment of economic depression in my family. And that was when I was born. If you may wonder why I’m very hard, tough and resilient, well, it could be because I was born during a tough time, and tough times make tough men.
I was born on a Sunday and because of that, my dad did name me ‘Sunday’. I like how that name sounded each time my dad called me, “Sunny”. It was sweet! And I was the last born which made it sweeter.
However, as we grow, life will give us an option to choose our own path, to name ourselves, to live limitlessly, and dare the uncommon paths. Not everyone has enough courage to do that, but I got the balls.
Once I hit my bar mitzvah, I started the quest of finding myself. At age 13, I started traveling within. And at the right time, the universe brought the name to me. I adopted the name "Champion" at age 13.
It was strange!
No one around was called by that name.
I was the first I knew.
It was like what happened when Zechariah told his kinsmen that his child’s name would be John. Choosing that name brought its whips. I was victimised for calling myself ‘Champion’. I was called arrogant and proud. But, all I would do was smile. It was as though I was up against the world.
Never let others transpose their own limitations on you. You are a different species. A type like you has never lived and will never live after you. My High School challenged the name when I wanted to use it for my Junior High School exams. But I was determined to use it and nothing could stop it. That's how I got the name Champion. I gave it to myself at age 13.
The reason I took the time to tell this story is to give you an insight into what exactly you will learn in my forthcoming book because who we are, affects what we do and how we think.
I deconstruct stereotypes. I'm a disruptive thinker. This book will show you how you can build enough balls and gut to go against the crowd, or what is popular and make a fortune for yourself through real estate investing.
You’ll learn how to create your own economic miracle, conquer herd instincts, follow your gut, quit following the maddening mobs, and create your own path.
My name is Champion. I make people rich. I help you achieve financial freedom through valuable real assets. Be the hero, let me be your guide.
Let me know if my forthcoming book is one you will like to read.
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Disruptive thinker | Real Estate Investment | Funds