You Are Enough!
Every now and then, something will happen that causes me to get a feeling of inadequacy and unworthiness; however, I don't stay there long. I remind myself of whose image I am made, the gifts with which God has blessed me, and that I AM ENOUGH, even when I feel like all is not well!
I am reminded that my life will not be mistake-free. I was not made to be perfect. There are still many lessons to be learned. I still have much to offer; however, gifts that I have not opened, and other great deeds to be done.
No one else defines my enough. God took care of that. I must only believe what He says about me and remember that my story is already written. I must get still and listen to His voice. My life is by God's design and I have nothing to prove to anyone else. I am good enough by simply being myself.
I no longer strive for outside validation or beat myself up because of some derailment. I get back on track and keep moving to my destiny. I don't have to earn the right to be deemed enough. I have to prove to no one else that I am worthy, and nor do you.
The truth is there will always be someone judging you, someone peeping around the corner ready to pounce and criticize you for the choices and decisions you make. I used to argue with those people, giving to them my power and energy, but I have long ago stopped doing that. I came to the realization that you cannot change people, but you can change how you respond to them.
I am receptive to constructive criticism. In fact, I welcome it. It has been an essential part of my personal growth. When someone offers to me their support, inspiration, love and expertise, I embrace it and allow it to elevate me.
How did I get to this point? It was through my Self-Love Journey. If you have not, you should go on one too. Once you know you are good enough already, and that adding to it is a blessing, there is no where to go but up. All the toxicity you were embracing is blocked and the positivity flows.
Do whatever makes you happy, without caring what anyone else says or thinks. Know that you are amazing exactly as you are now. Shout it out to the world. Let everyone know, "I am enough right now," because you truly are!