You Are Enough
Lee Broders
International Business Mentor & Life Coach | Professional Speaker | Author | NED | Empowering Business Owners to create TIME for strategic GROWTH | Specializing in scaling businesses to 7-figures and beyond
Do you know that you are enough?
You are enough just the way you are.
Now, some of you might be asking yourselves, what does that mean?
Well, while there's always more to learn and do in life, your current self has everything within it to become who you want and need to be, allowing you to live the life that you desire and deserve.
Meaning that no matter how much we have in life or what is on social media, none of this makes a difference to who we really want to become in our life. that you don't buy into any false notions or try to change your personality in order to fit in with everyone else.
Because it's okay to stand out and not feel out of place when society tells us our individuality is wrong.
Your confidence and self-worth can both exist right now without needing anything. More than yourself. And both can start from this very moment because they come from inside of you.
However, there will always be room for improvement.
Yes, there will always be stuff that we need to work on, but being who you want requires only working towards those things, focusing inwardly, trying to figure it out for yourself.
Stop wasting time and let go of whatever self-doubt makes you feel inadequate about yourself since it's useless.
We will always have something better today than yesterday, but remember, you're good enough today.
So grow with every day you live, learning new things.
Also be aware that you do not have to be fully self-sufficient, understanding enough does not mean building up an ability to need nothing or no one, but rather knowing your limits and being okay with them.
It's important that everyone at different points in their lives learn how much they actually depend on others.
And this should not be seen as a weakness as it means that there is an understanding of the limitations of everything around us, while still cherishing our own capabilities.
Understanding that you are still enough, regardless of your weaknesses and imperfections makes it easier to ask for help, your mistakes and flaws don't reflect the most important or truest part of you.
Rather, they make up a beauty within yourself, which is why you can be comfortable acknowledging them without being afraid of judgment from others, as you live in the enough that you are, it also means continuing to become more of yourself through personal development and change.
Constantly growing and becoming better versions of yourself.
You're already important, just as much as your growth makes a difference for something greater than yourself.
To put it more clearly, you don't have to focus so much on changing yourself, but being more of who you already are.
Being free, intentional and purposeful in owning the person that is unique to your personality type. You do not need anyone's approval or validation for this process because only one thing matters, that every moment throughout time, including right here and now, oh and even next week, everything about you, the true meaning of being, has always been defined by you.
I hope you found this insightful and useful.