Are you an Engaging Speaker?

Are you an Engaging Speaker?

At some point in your career your audience will get larger. Are your public speaking skills up to par? I've been thinking a lot about this lately after attending a few online classes and comparing the way I felt through-out them depending on the speaker. Energy is contagious, we all know that. If a speaker falls flat it makes me zone out and disconnect. Thinking about the vibrant, witty, and authentic speakers I've encountered that left me feeling ALIVE even after a 2 hour "listen-fest" I decided to take notes for myself on the things they did that WORKED because I think we can all agree that nobody needs another presentation that we're held captive to by a skin covered tape recorder.

1.) Be authentic. Speak from the heart. We connect to emotion and we remember how you made us feel. If what you're saying does not translate emotionally the effect is bleak.

2.) The value you create comes mostly through the way you present yourself when sharing. Your posture, your breath, your vulnerability, your kindness, your facial expressions. Your PASSION. Manufactured eloquence and the perfect polished speech come across as rehearsed and fail to impress me. Data regurgitation is dying a slow death.

3.) Stay grounded in what your true point is. Focus on the effect you want to have and do not stray off topic and lose your point.

4.) Care more about changing lives, making an impact, and creating a memorable experience in the heart of the listener than being perfectly poised or robotic in your delivery.

5.) Be willing to take a risk. Show us that you are ok getting uncomfortable or not knowing the right answer. Make fun of yourself. Tell us a story that makes us laugh and humanize yourself.

6.) Talk with us, not at us. Ask questions that make us think and engage our feedback throughout the speech or class.

7.) Be like Jimmy Fallon. Be yourself and "like yourself." I can always tell when someone speaking is not confidant in who they are and it makes me pull back.

8.) If you get nervous in front of a crowd, invest in public speaking classes. A nervous speaker makes the crowd uncomfortable too and nobody wins!

9.) Be presentable. When you look good, you feel good. Find yourself a "power blazer" or some "rock-star" boots that make you feel confidant. The way you feel inside translates to the outside, especially when you're speaking to a crowd. I love nothing more than listening to someone who is in power house mode. Remember, energy is contagious!

10.) Finally and most importantly, start on time and end on time. Have respect for people and their time. There is nothing worse than being stuck in a room with a person who will not STOP TALKING. (That's another article!)


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