Are You Ending Your Day The Wrong Way?
Last week, I asked if you were starting your day the wrong way.
This week, let's head to the end of your day!
Your bedtime routine can make a big difference to how much sleep you get. And we all know what it feels like to not get enough sleep. We're grouchy, unproductive, our performance suffers and we make the wrong food choices.
The reality is, so many people's bedtime routine looks like getting in to bed and scrolling on their phone.
This has several detrimental impacts:
So, how can you avoid scrolling on your phone before you (try to) go to sleep.
The first easy step to make is not having your phone next to you in bed. If it is out of reach, you are less likely to scroll when you get in bed. Secondly, set downtime settings on your phone to cut off access to apps an hour before your usual bedtime. And finally, replace the activity with something more relaxing, such as reading a book.
What action will you take to stop scrolling on your phone at night?
Why Do We Really Pick Up Our Phone?
Do you find yourself picking up your phone unconsciously and more than you would like?
There is a reason! I talk more about this in this YouTube video:
World Mental Health Day
What are you doing this year for World Mental Health Day on 10th October?
The theme this year is mental health in the workplace, meaning it is more important than ever that you get involved.
If you would like a session on digital wellbeing during that week, I have a few slots left available! Just send me a message to book!
What A Turn Off!!
Your Digital Wellbeing Tip of the Week
Digital distractions are a part of our every day working lives. Team chats, email notifications, diary reminders...and the many others that come through from the digital software we use.
They can be overwhelming and take our attention away from what we are working on.
This week, I want you to try and reduce the noise of notifications.
Turn off notifications you do not need. Go offline and time block to take action when online. Tell others your 'office hours' that you will be available on software such as team chats.
What action will you take to reduce the digital noise at work?
What is switching off?
In this post from the past, I talk more about what switching off is and isn't!
How do you truly switch off?
See you next week for more digital wellbeing insights!