Are you Empowered or Overpowered?

Are you Empowered or Overpowered?

What you don’t empower, others will overpower!

I co-host the weekly life and business success talk radio show on MixFM, I remember sitting in studio with Dr John Demartini and he taught that

unless you empower all areas of your life and make it your life’s work to constantly add more power and purpose to all of them, that area where you are most disempowered, is exactly where others will always exert their power over you.” How right he was.

Over the years I’ve worked with many women and without doubt, that area of their life which they disliked the most was always the area where they felt the most dis-empowered. It always interested me most that the only reason they felt that way was because they’d done absolutely nothing about building and implementing a plan to change their thoughts, feelings, actions and results around this most ‘undesired and dis-empowered’ area. This highlights the importance of making decisions as decisions bring clarity and order and action, whereas not making a decision breeds chaos, ambivalence and disaster. That’s why everything about The Queen Particle is driving you in to making decisions and celebrating these decisions, as it’s in your moments of definite decision that your future is purposefully designed.

When I was writing The Queen Particle book and creating the Queen Particle Seminar to help you and other female breadwinners learn how to deliberately create the empowered success you deserve and desire, I chose to expand on my awareness teachings through what I believe are 7 critically important realms in your life. In my life, what I’ve found is that these 7 realms influence each other all the time, they feed non-stop off each other too and either majestically and magically build you up, or systematically and cynically break you down. Ignore one of them at your peril…

Why my choice of the word ‘realms’? Here’s why…

A realm is an area that is ruled by something. If you are a controlling cook who doesn’t like anyone to do anything else in the kitchen, then the kitchen is your realm. Realm comes from the French for kingdom, but since there aren’t so many kings or queens left in the world, you’ll more often find it referring to non-royal spheres. That could be the sphere of a special kind of knowledge, like the realm of biology, or the political realm. Or it could be an area dominated by some group e.g. Little Italy was famously the realm of the mafia and Hollywood is the realm of film stars.

The Seven Realms of your Life, in no specific order of importance, are:


  1. Work (your career or business)
  2. Love (your intimate romantic relationship)
  3. Family (your loved ones)
  4. Money (your financial matters)
  5. Body (your health and wellness)
  6. Giving(your giving to others)
  7. Spiritual (your connectedness with God / Source)

Before I explain more about each of these realms to you, what is important for you to know is that you are as intelligent, creative, blessed, rich, beautiful and brilliant as anyone else. Nothing about you is ‘stupid’ as deep within you exist tremendous reservoirs of talent, your very own unique genius which is begging to be expressed externally as joyous results through your Queen Particle. Take some time to reflect on areas or realms where you believe you’re ordinary or average and reflect on why you believe this and who embedded this paralysing virus code in your mind. I don’t care what others have told you or what hurtful false realities you created for yourself as a result of on-boarding someone else’s harsh words; all I care about is getting through to you that you are everything but ordinary. You are exceptional and the fastest way for you to move from ordinary to exceptional is to stop comparing yourself with others because there is no-one else alive who is exactly like you! You can therefore give yourself the permission required to be an original. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson “There will come a time in every person’s education when they will realise that envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide.”

Every person who achieves success or obtains great wealth, does so in a different way. So, the worst thing you can ever do is to simply duplicate someone else’s actions and expect to achieve the same success as they did. Yes you can surely learn from them, knowledge which can fast-track the attainment of your desires, but remember, your path to success and the life you want is exactly that, your path and you have to walk it and roll with it and grow with it in your own unique way. That’s why the bullet-train to everything you want lies in what you’re the most passionate about and as long as you’re trying to emulate what others have done there will always be a void inside you as you’re not Marilyn Monroe, Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Indira Ghandi, Maria Montessori, Angela, Merkel, Mother Teresa, Hillary Clinton, Graca Machel, Joan Armatrading or the name of any other hugely successful women who comes to mind, you are uniquely and magnificently you.

Another thing I want to encourage you and every other female breadwinner to do, is to educate yourself but not in the way you might traditionally think of, which is going back to school. A great deal of my life’s learning on how to deliberately create success comes from my own reading and searching for this knowledge. It is true that when you seek, you will find – the right information, mentors, strategies and success creating practices will present themselves to you when you begin to actively seek for them.

Thing is, knowledge alone is not enough to give you the life you want – if its wealth you’re after and if part of your wealth picture is financial freedom, then whilst education is important what’s equally important is that you have to have a burning desire to have this wealth and financial freedom. Think of it this way – how many really learned people do you know, people who have loads of knowledge, maybe even a number of degrees to boot, yet they’re struggling financially? They haven’t been able to successfully convert all their vast intellectual capital into money in the bank and so they’re not living the life they want to live either.

If you’re really hungry for more, so much so that this hunger is a burning desire, then it is no accident, nor is it merely by chance, that you’ve “stumbled” across this Blog. You’re searching for something more and what if the very something you’re searching for exists within The Queen Particle and its many varied and detailed, affordable, easily accessible, life and business success teachings?

What The Queen Particle membership site and online programme does, is to teach you how to develop a wealthy mindset because until you do, the wealth you seek will never appear. Why do I say this with such belief? Because it is so; this is the truth and no matter how much you desire more on the outside, it will only ever present itself to you once you’ve become more on the inside, hence the prophetic saying “as within, so without”. The Queen Particle and its 7 Realms will help you become much, much, more on the inside and once you’ve achieved this, then what you desire on the outside in the way of wealth, riches, prosperity, financial freedom, powerful cash-flow, will happen, but if you’re not prepared to do the work on the inside to get what you want on the outside, then The Queen Particle is not for you and your time, effort, focus and money is better spent elsewhere.

Moreover, if you’re after any “GET ………………….. QUICK” solutions, then The Queen Particle isn’t for you either, as anything which promises you such results is borne out of the selfish desire to make a quick buck and has little or no regard for developing your true potential in such a way that joy, wealth, health and prosperity will follow you for the rest of your days. Yes, The Queen Particle experience will give you many brilliant ways to fast-track your wealth consciousness growth, accelerate your personal progress and steepen your professional success trajectory, but what it is not, is anything to do with “GET ………………….. QUICK”. Anything of that nature is not sustainable, in fact it’s just plain trash rooted in poverty consciousness.

What The Queen Particle is all about, is lifelong learning and providing you with a conduit for new ideas which you can use or pass on to those around you.

Now that we’ve cleared that away, let’s explore all of the realms in brief. Should you wish to know about each as well as access some fantastic healing, forgiveness and success creating exercises which will help you create balanced success all in 7 realms, you can do so right here

  1. Work (your career or business)

What I want you to always remember is that what you think about business and how you feel about business is exactly what you’ll create for yourself business results wise. Expressed another way, the professional results you’ll see in the Work Realm will always perfectly mirror your most powerful thoughts and emotions around work and the workplace, or, if you’ve ventured on your own, your business. If you think that there’s something special about people who have built superbly successful and massively profitable businesses, you’re both right and wrong. No, they’re not superhuman and no, they’re no more gifted than you are. Yes, they did discover and apply a success recipe which worked for them and yes the rewards they received were earned through focused effort and disciplined ways. Thing is, you have as much genius, talent and ability as them and you can achieve what they achieved if not more when you stop comparing yourself to them and to learn how to monetise your passion. If you’re not getting what you want professionally, then you’ll want to study my business success teachings in the expanded lessons on the 7 Realms.

  1. Love (your intimate romantic relationship)

Many women, if not all women will at some stage of their life experience the devastating kaleidoscope of emotions which go with a failed relationship, especially if children are involved. This can you leave you feeling bitter and betrayed, knowing exactly what you don’t want from your Love Realm partner. Knowing that however, isn’t going to give you what you want. You have to know what you do want and you need to know how to use your infinitely powerful subconscious mind to attract this person to you, which is taught to you in my expanded lesson on the Love Realm.

  1. Family (your loved ones)

It’s never pleasant to be reminded of this truth: the thoughts you have about another person (a family member within the context of your Family Realm) are your thoughts, because you’re thinking them. Given that your thoughts are a creative force and that your thoughts create your feelings, what you’re think about this family member will be exactly how you’ll feel toward them. It is these thoughts and feelings which will create the very circumstances you will experience around that family member. If you want to shift your family distress into family success; if you want to learn how to own the process through which you create peaceful and harmonious relationships with family members, then you’re going to want to access the extended lesson on this realm.

  1. Money (your financial matters)

If you don’t have enough money, if there’s always too much month left at the end of your money, then you need to examine your money blueprint and how you think about, feel about and act around money. You will never succeed at getting lots more money flowing to you until you’ve developed a wealth consciousness and no, wealth consciousness is not just lifestyle based, it’s so much more than that. If you want learn how to get more money flowing to you and also learn how to make it stick, then you’re going to have to shift your old consumerism paradigms to new disciplined ones which actually build wealth and give you the feeling of growth and prosperity. If your most powerful thought around money is “money is tight” then you’ll love my expanded teachings on this Realm where I explore in depth why you think this way and teach you how to change this mindset forever.

  1. Body (your health and wellness)

Your Body Realm tells all. If your body is in pain it is because you’re experiencing some form of mental pain or anguish. Hence it goes without saying that a healthy mind gives you a healthy body. If you think negatively, destructively and viciously about someone, as all of us have done and still do from time to time, these very intense, emotionally charged thoughts wreak havoc with your well-being. They rocket from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind which, because it accepts them as your internal truth, has to give external expression to them through some form of an outlet. The very intense emotions are most often expressed as anxiety, hypertension, heart disorders and other nasty maladies. Therefore as within (your mind), so without (your body), or as above (your conscious mind) so below (your subconscious mind). If you want to live in a healthy, energised, well, youthful and life-filled body then you’ll want to learn how to make it so which the expanded lesson on this Realm, teaches.

  1. Giving (your giving to others)

Your act of giving (serving someone) raises your vibration (the frequency generated by the sum total of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and desires) and places you in an ideal state to receive the very experience that you created on behalf of another. The act of serving shifts your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance. It is a declaration to the Universe that you have more than enough – time, attention, money, energy, happiness, and every other type of resource you can think of – to share. It is a powerful universal declaration, done for the sake of another, which actually increases the level of abundance you experience within yourself and reinforces the truth that any beliefs you might have around lack or scarcity (especially money), exist because of incorrect thought and ill-founded beliefs.

  1. Spiritual (your connectedness with Spirit / Source / God / Your name for The Source of all Spiritual Power)

There will come a time in your life when you’ll be so exhausted from trying harder and not getting what you want doing this, that you’ll know you have to try a new way of doing things. There is a way. It’s a powerful way, it’s a way which always works if you’ve got the faith to persist with it. It’s a way which defies conventional thinking and being; as such it’s a way which creates tremendous discomfort for most, however, it is a way I which I believe in and its part of what I teach. This way is to Let Go and Let God. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this approach is an away-with-the-fairies, passive “God will take care of memodus operandi. It is everything but this. What it is, is an enlightened, ecological, spiritual way to get what you want as long as you do your part in the all-important creative process, a process which I teach to you in the expanded lesson, a process which demands disciplined thought and definite action.

To your success, with love

Suzanne Styles


This article first appeared on

Dr John Demartini's interviews with Chris and Suzanne Styles are available here:


About The Queen Particle

When you activate your Queen Particle it will show you the way, and, you will know that you know.

Irrespective of your current circumstances, as a female breadwinner, you can have anything and everything you want, become exactly who you want to be and live the life you want to live.

Why do I say this?

Because I know this to be true. You have unlimited power, infinite potential and vast reservoirs of untapped, magnificent, creative genius deep within you which are lying in wait to deliver more love, life, happiness, health, peace, prosperity, money and success to you and your family than you can ever imagine.

Want to know more?  Want to try it out?

Dr John Demartini's interviews with Chris and Suzanne Styles are available here:




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