Are you earning your worth?
Vivienne Joy - NLP Coach Trainer Mentor
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A big question. Do any of us even really truly know our worth?
Earning your worth is about recognising your skillset, recognising the value that you offer, and recognising exactly what income you need in order to live the life you want to live - and feel worthy of it all!
It’s a very individual thing. For some, it might be as simple as being able to pay the mortgage bill each month, or take the family on holiday. For others, it might be as lavish as buying a boat or taking early retirement from the business - maybe passing it down to a family member to go and enjoy the time on that boat!??
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to earning your worth, but there are some things that can help you understand what your worth is so that you can fly ahead and earn it!?
Continuous Skills Development
If you want to be the person that everyone comes to because they know your worth, you need to have (and believe you have), the best skills, knowledge and expertise in your field. The more valuable and unique your skills are, the more people will come flocking to you and the more you’ll believe in setting your pricing for what you’re worth. Confidence builds when you see results and results build a bigger income!?
Look At What Others Are Charging
Comparing your unique and fabulous self against others isn’t a good idea (I call it comparisonitis), especially when you are just starting out in business. It’s a good idea to investigate what others in your field are charging or earning as a data gathering exercise, but don’t let it dictate your rate! Whilst you need to be realistic, consider what can you do to make yourself better than they are, so you can demand more than they do and have the success that you desire??
Self-promotion of your skills and accomplishments will at first feel a bit crass, we are taught that nobody likes a big head! However, if you don’t then people will never know. Show your own worth, you shouldn’t be ashamed to put it out there. People will only believe you if they see that you are actually doing what you say you are doing and more people will be drawn to you if they truly believe that you can help them. Credibility and confidence sells!?
Regularly Evaluate Your Business?
Knowing what you want to achieve is essential to help you make decisions about what you want from your business. If you have services that don’t seem to bring in any income then you may want to have a look at why and make a decision whether you should change it or scrap it. If you have services that are doing really well, is there a way you could take that format and make it work for other areas, or from different market sectors??
Understand What People Want From You
You’ll only earn your worth if other people think you are worthy of their business. Understanding exactly what it is they want from you will enable you to be more and more worthy to them, which will increase the likelihood of them parting with their hard-earned cash.??
Don’t Forget The Work-Life Balance
Knowing your worth also means that you’ll understand how important the work-life balance is to you. If you are slogging away on an hourly rate when you’d be better off (both financially and timewise) creating ‘outcome based’ packages or services. You’re never going to earn what you know your time is worth and you’re never going to create that freedom for yourself by simply trading time for money (like you did when you had a job!).
Remember To Keep Your Goals In Sight
I often talk about the word ‘Discernment’, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. This is essential to small business owners who can easily be side-tracked into things that are not serving their worth. It’ll be easier to say no to those who don’t believe your worth, if you keep your end goal in sight. Have a photo of that beach you want to sit on, or of the dream house, or write down the things you’ll be able to do if you only have to work a 3-day week. Don’t lose sight of that goal because if you do, you will start undervaluing yourself and go in the wrong direction.?