No you are not dumb or slow, you are Coded For Power!
Pamella Onoriode
Media Production Consultant | Coach | Media Trainer | eLearning | MBA Web 3 | EX-BBC | EX-IMG | EX-Alaraby TV
Ok full disclosure I am on a womb sabbatical, a time of deep healing and rediscovering my new path into matrescence.
I have been an A* student of the SheFi Cohort 9 class of 2023 ??
(well I've given myself the A* ?? ).
I'm learning about ...
?? Blockchains
?? Wallets
?? ETH
?? Automated Market Makers
?? DeFi
All whilst breastfeeding and having a delightful cycle ??, a cycle that I track on apps, spreadsheets and digital journalling and when my divine blood arrives I go deeper into my Coded Power.
So when I received the below request ???? from a SheFi member, I decided to pen a practical how 2 guide on > "LEARNING A NEW SKILL" at different stages of your Cycle.
“Just a quick one on the topic of learning...
It would be useful to have any tips (in your newsletter or videos) on how to sync learning to your cycle.
I'm about to start a programming bootcamp at the end of July and I'm freaking scared, it's going to be full of dudes(I assume), very intense, covering skills and topics that are very foreign to me and of course not suited to my cycle.”
Great Question!
This is super relevant for all women.
I am smart 24/7
My hormones are working to ensure I am “working” to live in flow with my cycle and according to my needs
The external world will constantly remind me how dumb I may be;
Slow ????
Clumsy ??
Not quick enough ?? (another way of saying slow again sigh!)
Not smarter than the next woman, man, person, human…??
If I allow these messages to seep into my mind and crawl into every cell these poison words will flood my body and mind with negative self-talk. My language, my body language, my interactions with others and my worldview will be “dumb skewed” and forever in a state of lack…
“I’m so stupid”
“Oh sh**t why did I say that!”
”She's so much smarter than me and prettier”
Language that divides us, separates us and allows us to continue to live in perpetual fear.
When we dance with abundance and the very REAL idea that there is true ABUNDANCE of:
TIME (I do not wear a watch, I am the master of time and will ask google, alexa or check my phone if I require the time!)
MONEY (I have engaged in money activities during my career in TV and communication mostly through follicular and ovulation. I managed my own business, became debt free and an investor before my 2 little humans came into the world)
LOVE (I discover myself deeply, daily to ensure I top up my love skills. Spend time in my own thoughts and have manifested a wonderful pattern with whom I share my life with)
(not necessarily in that order) but in the order your cycle serves you - then you become free, kinder, understanding to your needs and that of others. But also be more careful with the words you use about yourself, to yourself.
I like to set myself new skill challenges yearly, many overlap and become a part of my life for years. Others teach me lessons in another portal. I never fail or succeed, I only grow. Examples of my “growths”…
Below are some initial tips on how to learn according to your cycle…
FYI depending where you are in your cycle ;0 if you want to skip straight to the tips just follow the green ticks ? on each cycle week below
Menstruation - Week 1 Day 1 (first day of period) through Day 7
Self care time we know this, tune in and listen to what your body craves for you.
I am my most creative during this time, fun and relaxed. But I’m not overflowing with energy or have the desire to “show up” and know everything about my new skill.
? Lots of deep self-care the night before learning and every night for the first week. Baths, face masks,
? No social events unless positive and makes me feel good.
? I refrain from answering any calls/messages from people in my circle or family who may be volatile and tip me over the edge.
Affirmations > I tune in the AM and PM for me the most powerful times for my brain to truly absorb the information into my subconscious powerful words to remind myself I'm smart, intelligent and amazing WOMAN.
Oils > Lemon, grapefruit, ylang ylang, lavender individually rubbed into my body with jojoba oils or almond oil give my body an energy infusion through my sense of smell.
During learning
Take regular breaks (say, for five minutes every half-hour or hour) to walk around, step away from the computer. Catch the recording, learn at your own pace, refer back to notes later in the day or when you're feeling less lethargic - since this helps reverse stagnation that can worsen tiredness.
Ovulation - Week 2 Day 8 through ovulation (which is Day 14 in a 28-day cycle, sooner in shorter cycles, later in longer cycles) Estrogen rises till it hits its peak; testosterone rises at the end of this week and peaks
This is arguably my preferred week of my cycle when learning something new. Thanks to high-and-rising estrogen as well as a turbo-shot of testosterone at the end of this week, I’m absorbing information more easily and my memory is the sharpest it will be all cycle long!!!
You’re also brainstorming more easily and are more creative, so you may think of imaginative ways to study the topic you’re learning or add to it.
You have more mental agility as well as physical speed, coordination and accuracy. This means you’ll excel at both intellectual and physical lessons and tasks.
High levels of hormones give you more energy and stamina than you’ll have in other cycle weeks, and you may capitalise on this by taking more lessons or practising far longer–and even forgoing eating and sleeping to clock more study time.
On top of all this, your confidence is soaring and you’re optimistic about your abilities. Sure, you know you’re not perfect–yet–but one day you’re going to be so amazing.
? I have SOOO MUCH FIRE! I feel like a 100 woman army on a mission.
? So I need to take a beat and centre myself, to ensure I don't over skim crucial details in my learning (due to my overconfidence).
? I meditate before my learning, I inhale clary sage, or lavender.
? Do it all! Learn every module. Ask every question.
? To prevent burn out, stay grounded, mediation, yoga. Take a deep breath before requesting more homework (as I often do during this phase )
? Pen all your achievements during this time and use this as a reminder in the more below energy parts of your cycle. I have an achievement notepad and I pen my test scores, how I made someone feel, how many experiences I got correct etc…
During learning
Understand you may also experience: High estrogen in your Week 2 which can amp up stress and anxiety by triggering greater arousal in the brain. This means that despite your high confidence, if you typically get anxiety while taking tests or performing in front of others, (as I do) you may find these are even more difficult to do during your Week 2. If you can, put off tests or performances till your Week 3 when estrogen is lower and sedating progesterone rises, mellowing you out. Or refer back to the tools used during menstruation.
? Your high hormones make you enjoy a challenge, rev your ambition and boost your mood–all of which makes you enjoy learning something new more now than at any other time in your cycle.
Luteal Week 3 Starts the day after ovulation and lasts 8 days (which is Day 15 to Day 22 in a 28-day cycle) Estrogen and testosterone plunge during the first half; estrogen rises again for the second half; progesterone rises throughout
I notice that my mental and physical speed slows down considerably, my memory isn’t as sharp as it was and my desire–and ability–to study and practise for hours on end without sleeping or eating disappear. Why the drastic changes? Point a guilty finger to a steep drop in estrogen, which saps your energy, and a steady rise in progesterone, a sedating hormone that tires you out. So I went from performing all the theories in kung fu to forgetting whether I needed to put my light or right arm first for the little idea first form!
However, all that said, there is one hormonal change that actually makes one of my favourite aspect of learning easier during Week 3: You get better at concentrating on details and finer points of what you’re learning. That’s a result of the combo of lower estrogen and rising progesterone–which calms your brain, so it takes less effort to focus on information that was too dull to dwell on during your mentally more AMPED up Week 2.
? Overcome hormonal challenges: Rising progesterone is likely going to make you want to call it an early night due to its tiring effects, so plan your studying and practising accordingly: While you may have found it easy to stay awake pouring over notes or practising till dawn in your Week 2, you’ll want to fit in any required studying a lot earlier in the day in your Week 3.
? Eat regularly! You may have been able to skip a meal (or two or three) without noticing during your Week 2, however, rising progesterone can make you more sensitive to drops in blood sugar between meals. This means if you go too long without eating, you can experience sudden extreme fatigue or mood changes that make it difficult to learn new material or stick to your studying schedule.
? Prep your meals and learning snacks. You need these to manage your blood sugar levels. rising progesterone can make you more sensitive to drops in blood sugar between meals. This means if you go too long without eating, you can experience sudden extreme fatigue or mood changes that make it difficult to learn new material or stick to your studying schedule.
? Affirmations > see menstruations notes
? Aromatherapy > see week 2 notes
? Self Care > see menstruations notes
? This week I need to top up my confidence metre so surround myself with positive people who support my new skill and remind me how great I am at doing this.
? Turning into my own positive affirmations and reading my achievement notepad send energised signals to my brain increasing my IQ instantly!
During learning
? Fit in any required studying a lot earlier in the day so you can rest for longer, go to bed earlier to absorb all the fine details and balance your learning potential.
Deep Luteal Week 4 Final 6 days of your cycle Estrogen and progesterone descend throughout
There’s no denying that you’re still the smart, capable, talented woman you were in your Week 2–however, it’s going to take some convincing (maybe a whole lot of convincing) to help you remember that. The reason? Plunging estrogen. As the level of this hormone drops, it drags down levels of mood-moderating brain chemicals, which can seriously ding your self-confidence and patience. Every flub feels more exaggerated, making you think you’ll never learn whatever it is you’re studying.
? Sleep, and lots of serotonin boosting activities.
? Exercises, cardio dancing and watching a comedy truly have helped me get up and do that extra bit of training during a marathon or put that trade on when I doubt my maths abilities every second during this part of my cycle.
? Lots of loud positive self talk
? If you’re feeling especially frustrated with yourself, instead of trying to learn a new aspect of the subject or activity you’re tackling, consider practising skills you learned previously and honing those.
During learning
It doesn’t help that it can sometimes feel like your brain is on the absent-minded professor end of its scale during this cycle phase.
For example, as estrogen falls, you’ll likely notice that it takes a bit more effort to concentrate, so you may end up reading the same line three or more times before you finally register what it’s saying.
? I inhale lemon oil or tree tree to give me that pep.
Your biggest challenge is likely trying to be more patient and understanding with yourself when you’re trying to master a new skill. When you’re having trouble getting something on the first attempt, try to avoid talking negatively to yourself (such as, “I’m such an idiot”) and instead pretend you’re actually talking to a much-loved family member or friend. A little self-cheerleading can help keep your mood from falling, which is important for avoiding that horrible downward spiral of I’ll-never-get-this-so-I-should-just-give-up.
? I tend to not try to learn a new aspect of my skill but revisit something from previous modules. For example in my aromatherapy course I would go back to the application of the oils rather than the history or a new aspect that fell during this part of my cycle. To maintain my commitment and boost my confidence. This will help remind you that you actually are smart, capable and talented while also giving you the opportunity to improve upon what you’ve already learned.
If you want to have more understanding of your hormones and how tracking can make you have a stress free career/life check out my mini video course > HERE.
If you have any questions ping them to me here on Linked In. I LURVE researching anything to do with cycle and LIFE ??.
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