Are You A Dreamer?
If you were granted?one?wish.?One?superpower. You can have anything you want what?would?it be?
To fly?
Run really fast?
X-Ray vision?
Mind reader?
As?a?kid, this was?a?fun little game. Yet we don’t play games?like?this anymore. We don’t just have?a?fun mind experiment and think of what’s possible. What life?would?be?like?if…
Which it’s cool to think about what life will be?like?if?I?lived on?a?yacht for part of the year. Or what life will be?like?to motor across the Atlantic?like?the men in 1700/1800 and early 1900s.?
It’s cool to think about where?I’m going to live next and what life will be?like?there. What do my days look?like? How?do I?start my days and what?do I?do on?a?daily basis?
What’s cool is this doesn’t cost anything. It’s totally free. Everything happens right inside your own mind. It’s?a?private little movie theatre just for you. How cool is that??
Like?everything it’s in the repetition. How often does this happen to you? How often does that movie play? If you’re?like?me, not often enough.?
That movie should be shown at least once?a?day. And if we’re being honest,?a?lot more frequently than that. Because to live the life you want, you have to know what you want.?
I’m nowhere near where?I?want to be. Nowhere near. So?I’m working hard on picturing the life?I?want, putting myself around the right people, and executing towards those goals every day.
It’s not easy to always execute. The plan is simple.?