You don’t suffer because you want to!
Sue Thomas - Transformational Life Coach
I help people who are leaders in business go from struggle to ease, feeling unfulfilled, to living the life of their dreams
You don’t suffer because you want to!
Did you know you have two minds?
Let me explain in a very simple way.
One is your conscious mind.
The other is your subconscious mind.
Your conscious mind is where most of your mental activity occurs each day - it accounts for 5% of your activity. This is where you think you think.
We have 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts a day and most of them are the same as yesterday.
Think about that!
Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, is where your beliefs, about what you are capable of, and what you think you can do, lives. These have been programmed into you over time, through your little life, and mainly by you, through repetition over your lifetime.
These beliefs are hard to change, even if you don’t like them.
They run on automatic.
You run on automatic.
Some of your beliefs you have about yourself are good, but most of them are limiting.
Your subconscious mind is where your limiting beliefs are held, hiding.
They run your life.
Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of you activity, your actions and your habits.
Your habits are running your life.
That is why, you might want to do better, but you don’t.
You want to lose weight, but don’t.
You want to get a better job, but you don’t, start a business, live in freedom, meet the man of your dreams, grow your business, but you don’t.
Limiting beliefs, and your habits, CAN be changed. Just like they were put in there they can be changed.
Being aware of them is the start. But this can lead to more of the problem.
You get more of what you focus on.
So, if you are aware of, and focusing on, your limiting beliefs, you are making them stronger & more powerful!
Your beliefs are in control 95% of the time.
So why don’t you change you limiting beliefs?
It can be done.
It takes time, it takes effort, it takes discipline.
The thing is we don’t like change, even if it is good for us.
Crazy isn’t it? Right!
That’s why we do things we don’t want to do.
We would prefer to stay where we are, being uncomfortable, not really happy, rather than change. Crazy!
The thought of changing is hard to deal with.
We think change is bad.
But is change really that bad?
What if everything you want is on the other side of change?
It is!
Everything you want is on the other side of change!
But most people would prefer to stay in that so called “comfort zone” which is the trap, than get a bit “uncomfortable”, and make the changes necessary to get what they want.
It’s scary.
Change is scary!
Then there are the excuses.
We tell ourselves, it’s too hard, I’m too old, it’s for somebody else, I don’t want to change, it’s not going to work for me.
We make up excuses, (because of our limiting beliefs).
And we blame everyone, and everything else, for why we can’t do it.
But it’s not true.
We make this story up. We make lots of stories up.
Deep down, we are afraid of change.
Suffering in silence.
The longer you stay there, the harder it is to change.
It is not hard to change.
You just “think” it is.
You made up a story about how hard it would be to change - to have that dream, that you really, really want.
When you change that “it’s so hard” story to an “it’s easy” story, your dreams will come true.
Change what you “think” about.
And believe “Anything is possible, if you let it”